Global Telework

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Most With Option to Telecommute Prefer to Drive

"With national gas prices hovering near $3 a gallon, American workers could suffer less pain at the pump if they took advantage of workplace telecommuting policies,"

Out of College, but Now Living in Urban Dorms. Community of the overeducated and underpaid in New York.

“To the degree that housing costs become a barrier to that group, it can in the long run sap us of that creative potential that we would otherwise have.”

Offshoring: The Next Industrial Revolution?

Constant improvements in technology and global communications virtually guarantee that the future will bring much more offshoring of "impersonal services" — that is, services that can be delivered electronically over long distances with little or no degradation in quality.

Remote job clicks for John Kuc

He gets some wise guy grief from a few of his friends, John Kuc says. They go on about what a free and easy time he has of it – lolling around the house all day, working when he feels like it, kicking back, no stress, no problem.

Law firms mull outsourcing Offshore

"We think some (law) firms will jump out ahead and realize some significant cost savings" through offshore outsourcing, said Michael Short, vice president in the Washington, D.C., office of legal consulting firm Hildebrandt International. "In the highly competitive world of law firms, that’s going to require countermoves."

Relocating for a Job That’s a Shorter Commute

If you’re seeking to relocate, consider targeting areas where the average commute time is minimal.

New England may see exodus of young talent, study warns

“Ultimately, young people are going to go or stay where there are good jobs, and firms going to grow or stay where there are good people,"

Online Job Networks For the 55-Plus Crowd

"Companies realize they will soon be faced with a mass exodus of their most qualified people," says Donna Wadleigh, manager of member services at By tapping into the new networks, she adds, "companies can bring back highly skilled people that provide value immediately."

In Depth: When Outsourcing Goes Bad

The stampede to outsource over the past few years has trampled more than one company.

Managing the Distributed Workforce

It’s a rare industry in which companies are not searching for ways to trim payrolls and improve control over their staff, which today may include telecommuters, flex-shift employees, and overseas workers all putting in hours at different locations. "With many businesses having trouble finding qualified workers and facing heightened competition, workforce management software provides a relatively painless was to track down and eliminate needless expenditures," says David O’Connell, a senior analyst at technology research firm Nucleus Research. "The software also allows businesses to standardize rules and procedures across different work sites."