Montana World Trade Center

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For over 25 years, Montana World Trade Center® has served Montana as a trusted business adviser.

Wages up, housing still out of reach, says Montana labor report

“Montana ranks 2nd in the nation for fastest wage growth since 2020,” said the report.

4 Montana Cities Are ‘Best’ (Just Ignore Expensive Homes)

Just please ignore the scores for “affordable housing” as you read.

AI’s big gift to society is…pithy summaries?

I point out that this might lead to an AI arms race. “I’m going to send my avatar to every meeting, and so will everyone else,” I explain. Meetings will be just a bunch of AI avatars talking to each other—afterward, people will check out the summary to see what the AIs said to each other.

Here’s an Exciting Leadership Tool You Can Use – Take a Walk

Walking is not just a health tool but a leadership tool.

How to Make Tech a Dream Job Again

The once alluring tech job has recently lost its shine. But there are several steps employers can do right now to attract back top tech talent and retain them for longer.

Dorsey eUpdate: Yes, you can be liable for your employee’s online posts!

Given the prevalence of social media and its impact on the workplace, Okonowsky v. Garland emphasizes the importance of understanding that off-duty employee conduct that affects the workplace can result in liability for employers.

Montana sees high population growth rate; western part of state bears brunt

About 73% of people who recently moved to the state are either employed or actively seeking work, which is higher than the labor force participation rate of existing residents, she added.

Steve Jobs Swore the 10-Minute Rule Made Him Smarter. Modern Neuroscience Is Discovering He Was Right

Stuck on a tough problem? Do what Jobs would have done and follow the 10-minute rule.

Use Your Supercharger Votes To Help National Parks!

First, I voted for Gardiner, Montana and Cody, Wyoming. These stations are both near Yellowstone National Park, and would put Superchargers on three sides of the park. There’s already one in West Yellowstone, Montana, but sadly it’s not a V3, so non-Tesla vehicles can’t use it. Opening up two more routes into the park and helping Cody, Wyoming have something more than a dealer charger would be all-around fantastic.

Empowering Rural Entrepreneurs to Drive the Rural Economic Revival

Incubators and networking organizations for rural-based startups have been proven to deliver economic results to communities that host them and beyond.