University of Montana & Montana State University Tech Transfer

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What is Photonics and how is it used?

Photonics is the physical science of light waves. It deals with the science behind the generation, detection and manipulation of light.

University of Montana Center for Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics Core Facility Open House – Friday afternoon September 6 – Missoula

The CBSD core facilities provide instrumentation for protein production and purification, structure determination by X-ray and electron diffraction methods, high-resolution fluorescence imaging, mass spectrometry and proteomics, and computer-aided drug discovery. They are staffed by PhD level scientists who can assist with experimental design and implementation to meet your research and development needs.

Why Great Ideas Get Stuck in Universities

Academic institutions incubate novel ideas and are important innovation partners for companies, but getting products out of universities and onto the market can be challenging. A study by Maria Roche illustrates how researchers might be getting in their own way.

Montana State recognized for leadership in fostering economic growth, prosperity and innovation

“Our commitment to ensuring the university has a positive impact on talent, innovation and place is exemplified by this designation. We remain focused on working with communities across the state to improve their economic well-being and contribute in meaningful ways to their economic growth.” Alison Harmon, MSU vice president for research and economic development

“AI won’t take your job. It’s somebody using AI that will take your job.”

“41% of leaders (extremely familiar with AI) expect to redesign business processes from the ground up with AI.”

Montana State receives international recognition for scientific impact

The Leiden ranking is based on articles published in scholarly journals and the impact those publications have on the international community. Impact is measured by the number of times the research is cited in articles by other scientists.

the Tell Us Something logo displays with a rainbow behind it

What Job Seekers Can Learn from the Three Minute Thesis – It’ All About Knowing How To Tell A Story

The 3MT format teaches scholars how to distill complex ideas into simple, understandable language — a skill that is invaluable in navigating the job market in academia. Here’s how you can apply the principles of the 3MT competition to your job search in higher education:

University of Montana researchers admit falsifying records in federal investigation

Braxton Alan Norwood pleaded guilty to falsification of records in a federal investigation.

UM Bio Station Awarded $9.5 Million for Ocean Climate Change Science

Led by Matthew Church, a FLBS aquatic microbial ecology professor, the SUBSEA research team will receive $9.5 million over the next five years to help refine details of ocean carbon cycling and ecosystem resilience. FLBS stream ecology Professor Bob Hall also will assist with the project.

Montana’s Headwaters Hub

The Headwaters Hub will capitalize on the region’s existing commitment to market-driven innovation—and status as home to dozens of photonics companies—to overcome barriers to the advancement and broad adoption of autonomous technologies in critical use areas that are vital to the United States’ economic and national security.