Montana Education/Business Partnerships

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Montana Governor Greg Gianforte targets education, taxes and energy policy in State of the State address

The income tax cut Gianforte proposed would extend his prior income tax reductions by lowering the state’s top-bracket rate from 5.9% to 4.9% and modestly expand a tax credit benefiting lower-income working families. According to the Legislative Fiscal Division, the top-bracket rate cut would reduce state tax collections by about $350 million a year and the tax credit for lower-wage earners would reduce their taxes by about $20 million a year.

How Religious Schools Became a Billion-Dollar Drain on Public Education

A nationwide movement has funnelled taxpayer money to private institutions, eroding the separation between church and state.

The Privateers – How Billionaires Created a Culture War and Sold School Vouchers

Far from realizing the purported goal of educational equity, privatization is failing students and exacerbating income inequality, Cowen finds. He cites multiple research studies that conclude that voucher programs return poorer academic outcomes, including lower test scores on state exams, especially among students who are at greater academic risk because of their race, their religion, their gender identity, or their family’s income. Continued advancement of these policies, Cowen argues, is an assault on public education as a defining American institution.

Like It Or Not, Self-Driving Semi-Trucks Are Inevitable; Bozeman, Montana Company, Aurora, Leading The Way

“From early on, we knew Montana’s photonics leadership would be invaluable for bringing safe, scalable self-driving technology to the world,” said Chris Urmson, co-founder and CEO at Aurora

Artificial Intelligence could change Montana’s economy – Video

The Montana Bureau of Business and Economic Research has been forecasting the state’s financial outlook for the past 50 years.

Highlands College receives $5.75 million to implement broadband training program

The program will run four years and aims to train 280 broadband workers with commercial driver’s license (CDL), heavy equipment, splicing, safety, professional skills, flagging, and rigging certifications.

Montana lawmakers eye child care challenges for the 2025 session

Policy proposals so far focus on state-funded financial subsidies to address high child care costs and low wages for workers.

The Big Rural Problem We Don’t Talk About – Class 3 Obesity – Is Your Local School Offering This? What can be done about it?

A hot button local issue in my community a few years ago was whether or not the school district should build a new gym and locker rooms. The measure passed, and the project also included construction of a fitness center. Recently, I got a lifetime membership ($10) and a key fob that gets me inside. Except for a short window during the school day when it’s used for physical education class, I can use the recumbent bikes and treadmills and eventually (I hope) the elliptical and the weight machines.

$9.4M Washington Foundation Gift Aims to Keep Best Teachers in Montana

“This gift has the potential to transform K-12 education in Montana, giving our children the support they need to thrive and empowering our educators,” UM President Seth Bodnar said.

The Art of Storytelling – Guy Kawasaki

Remember, a well-crafted narrative is not just about conveying information, but about taking your audience on a journey that enlightens, inspires, or moves them in some way.