Montana Technology Innovation Partnership

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Montana Technology Innovation Partnership (MTIP)- Promoting Technology Commercialization in the State of Montana.

Montana Department of Commerce Weekly Roundup – Volume 1, Issue 3

Commerce is improving our communications to better serve you.

Montana Department of Commerce Weekly Roundup – Volume 1, Issue 2

The Weekly Roundup is designed to be simple, easy to digest and informative – just the information you need. We know you’re busy, so we’re giving you access to more information without adding more emails to your inbox. 

Montana Department of Commerce Weekly Roundup- Inaugural edition- Issue I, Volume I

Be sure to subscribe to new and existing Commerce communications that interest you, including a new quarterly newsletter, press releases and important, program specific and timely information, including Administrative Rules Making communications and other statutorily required notifications.

Falling In Love With Montana All Over Again

I’m a proud North Dakotan and one of the state’s leading cheerleaders, but like Steinbeck, I have a confession to make. Not only do I love Montana more than any other state (and that includes Colorado, California, Utah, and Wyoming), but when people ask me about my love of the West, I invariably say, “If there were only one state, it would have to be Montana.”

Why leaders should never want to stop learning

“Hoarding what you know is a great way to shut off the flow of learning in your life, so try to do the opposite every day,”

Access to Finance for Small Businesses in Montana: 2nd report just released

Part Two of the comprehensive report on \”Access to Finance for Small Businesses in Montana\” is released. This report delves into challenging landscape of small business financing in Montana, offering timely recommendations.

MSU’s Montana Innovation Partnership adds new consultants for regional Montana technology companies

The three consulting firms will work with MTIP to support Montana companies applying for Small Business Innovation Research, or SBIR, and Small Business Technology Transfer, or STTR, funding by providing coaching, reviews and other assistance.

Bozeman Landed Hyundai’s New Horizons Studio R&D Center. Now Montana Is On The Hunt For More Manufacturing

Now a consortium of government, academic and business leaders in the state, including the Montana Manufacturing Association under the Montana Chamber of Commerce, has been working for the past few years on a collection of other attractions to draw one specific kind of newcomer to Big Sky Country: manufacturers.

Montana Innovation Partnership receives FAST award! What you can expect in this new year.

MTIP has again been named Montana’s FAST partner as part of the cooperative agreement with the SBA, Montana State University, and the Montana Department of Commerce. 

Montana Innovation Partnership – Startup Advisor Lunch & Learn sponsored by sp³nw and Montana Bioscience Alliance

Montana ranks among the top in the nation for successful SBIR awards and MTIP clients in particular have a success rate of over 41%. What are some of our secrets?