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Great Montana fall road trips

The itineraries encourage travelers to explore to less-visited communities.

University of Montana Mansfield Center Earns $10M Grant to Strengthen Ties With Southeast Asia

“We are honored to draw on our deep experience in Southeast Asia to support U.S. national security priorities and the U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy,” Mansour said. “Our demonstrated capacity to administer this huge grant draws from the long Mansfield engagement in Southeast Asia, UM assets in administration and academic excellence, and a track record of successfully implementing State Department exchanges since 2010.”

NorthWestern Energy asking for public comment regarding recreation

NorthWestern Energy is looking for public input on recreational facilities and opportunities on the Missouri and Madison rivers.

Missoula airport opens to non-ticket holders

The new program, which launched on Monday, enables non-ticketed guests to venture past the security checkpoint – something that once was commonplace but ended after 9/11 more than two decades ago.

Montana Ambassadors Forming Denver Chapter. Know anyone who loves Montana but lives in Denver and the surrounding area?

I’m pleased to announce that we are starting a Denver chapter of the Montana Ambassadors led by Jim Driscoll and Matt Clark.  The event will be on October 16th (invite to go out soon) and will have Paul Green as the key-note.  Our idea is to replicate what we have done in Seattle over the past 20 years, creating a community that can engage key Denver stakeholders in Montana’s economic future.

University of Montana Professor – Releasing Campsite Reservations In Waves Makes Booking Fairer

Rice joins Ira Flatow to talk about these advancements. Since his first appearance on Science Friday, Rice has testified before Congress about the importance of camping reservation equity, and has helped both federal and state campgrounds change their booking reservation windows.

Bikers heading to Sturgis stop in tiny Montana town by the thousands

“I’ve been told that that’s, that’s basically the one day makes the bar’s budget for the rest of the year,” Bruce said.

Economic Renaissance or Fleeting Recovery? Left-Behind Counties See Boom in Jobs and Businesses Amid Widening Divides

EIG looked at 972 counties that it classified as “left behind” and found that they have experienced a modest comeback over the last several years.

Experts say Bozeman is well positioned to attract tourists despite inflation

Whether taking a road trip to Bozeman from Missoula or Billings or simply seeking a staycation, there are 19 hotels across the city offering discounted rates for Montanans.

The 2024 Tourism Issue

As tourism numbers soften in the Flathead Valley, local officials look for ways to attract a different type of visitor and spread them out further during the year