Government News & Events

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Columbia Falls Considering Capturing Tourism Dollars for Public Safety

Voters in Columbia Falls will consider a resort tax in June; if enacted, more than half of revenue would go to public safety and 25 percent to property tax relief

Fiscal stability takes spotlight in upcoming Wyoming legislative session

Because this year like every even-numbered year is a budget session, lawmakers will spend much of their time and energy on balancing revenue and expenditures for the 2021-22 biennium.

Supreme Court Ruling on Sales Taxes Opens Door to New Billions via Tech

There are about 12,000 sales taxes in the nation. And thanks to the Supreme Court decision in the 2018 case, South Dakota v. Wayfair Inc., businesses that sell products outside of their home state now have a greater responsibility to keep up with all of those different taxes.

Western Montana economy heats up as Yellowstone County cools

Yellowstone County’s economy is still growing at about 2% a year, but has faced several challenges in the last couple years.

City of Missoula raises impact fees to ensure new growth pays for itself

The fees represent one-time payments placed upon new development.

Survey: How should HUD dollars be used in Montana for housing and community development needs?

Participate in the 2020 Housing and Community Development Survey for the 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan

Montana plans to invest $80 million in mental health services

“We must ensure that those who want to stay in their home and community have the support and resources to do so,” said Governor Steve Bullock.

Government task force looks into payroll fraud in Montana’s construction industry

Montana government officials are looking into ways to crack down on under-the-table payments and other types of payroll fraud in the construction industry.

Idaho Governor Little sends message to President Trump in support of refugees

In many small towns in America, more people are dying than are being born, and as so many younger Americans head for the big city, it’s more difficult to farm the land, staff the retail outlets and show up for menial work some Americans do not want.

Commerce Department Announces $4.5 Million in Housing Trust Fund and HOME Awards Funding will support 294 affordable homes in Montana

“Our goal is to strengthen communities by supporting the development and rehabilitation of affordable homes in Montana,” Commerce Director Tara Rice said.