Government News & Events

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Governance in the Digital Age

We must do so fully cognizant that a business-driven society that fails to embrace the values of its civil society, as Yankelovich has written, "without showing respect for its employees or customers, without inspiring people to give their creative best to their jobs, without employees and management understanding each other and without employees’ buying into management’s vision of the future (will) inevitably slip into mediocrity or worse."

State of Montana, Blue Cross close to deal on children’s insurance

Advocates for the insurance program, however, said Tuesday they’re disappointed the state is not abandoning the insurance contract with Blue Cross and insuring the program itself.

Michigan Plan to Encourage Collaboration Between Local Governments

"We must look beyond traditional local turf politics to find creative ways to work together to make government better and less expensive.

Baby boomers augur old age, new needs

Florida is a case in point. Home to a large and growing retiree population, the Sunshine State established a Cabinet-level department of aging in 1992 and has long been a bellwether for state aging policy.

68% of classified employees in Montana’s state govt. are eligible for retirement in the next 5 years. This is the highest % in the nation. Finding, keeping tech staff will be challenge

"It’s a fairly sophisticated argument that the change in the government’s role in IT — to pull it off successfully — you need a change in government HR practices to allow for more people to come in at midcareer levels," he said. "HR has been a very transactional and control-oriented function, not a function that typically thinks strategically about how the management of people can help an agency reach its mission. It’s been much more processing paperwork and checking for rule compliance."

States Expanding Push for Internet Taxes

"Taxes that it was difficult to collect before will now be collected. And consumers will pay that,"

Montana to sell surplus property on Net

Idea was brainchild of two state employees who were awarded palladium coins for their efforts

Report: State employees’ lack of writing skills cost nearly $250M

But while 70% of state managers said large majorities of their professional employees had adequate skills, just one-third said clerical and support staff did. The report estimates the states spend $221 million annually on remedial writing training, sometimes sending workers to $400-per-employee classes.

China takes unique steps to combat Web addiction

While China promotes Internet use for business and education, government officials also say Internet cafes are eroding public morality. Authorities regularly shut down Internet cafes — many illegally operated — in crackdowns that also include huge fines for their operators.

Counter-Spin for Open Government – government must almost reinvent the subject of public relations if it is to actually involve and serve citizens broadly in this age of electronic information.

Open government does not just imply that information is available some place where a researcher with enough savvy and diligence can dig it up. Information actually has to be pushed out through the information noise to connect. And this information has to be what citizens need to know — the good and the bad, the successes and failures, and the realistic options for the future.