Government Technology

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Colorado Seeking Ideas for Shared Services From Private Sector

The Colorado Office of Information Technology (OIT) issued a request for information (RFI) April 13 that seeks to obtain ideas, methodologies and approaches from the private sector for incorporating the concepts of shared/common services into the state’s IT consolidation program.

Nation’s first chief technology officer is chosen to modernize government

"Aneesh will promote technological innovation to help achieve our most urgent priorities — from creating jobs and reducing health-care costs to keeping our nation secure," Obama said in the address.

InformationWeek Government IT Site Launches

InformationWeek Government is timed to serve the government IT professionals tasked with that responsibility and to analyze the IT products, services, policies, and vendor strategies aimed at the government sector.

Cloud Computing Apps for Government Offered by Microsoft

Among the offerings are public-records tracking, case management, and licensing and permitting applications. is coming: Let’s help build it.

Now is exactly the time when lobbying for particular data and documents to be made accessible could be most effective.

Governor Schweitzer Unveils Web Site That Will Track Montana’s Stimulus Funds

Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer unveiled a Web site Friday that aims to track how this state’s portion of the stimulus money is spent.

Economic Development is Growing Task for Government CIOs

Some experts believe there’s a leadership vacuum waiting to be filled by confident and ambitious public-sector CIOs.

Stimulus bill is laced with benefits for high-tech

To many on K Street, the stimulus bill was the clearest guide to the new administration’s closest friends in the business world. What oil was to President George W. Bush, some say, clean energy and technology are to the Obama White House.

Governments use Twitter for Emergency Alerts, Traffic Notices and More

"One of the things we’re considering if we get into an emergency situation like that, we can update Twitter and our blog with our handheld BlackBerry, iPhone or whatever we have. It’s a continuity of operations opportunity for us."

Revamped Launched

Minutes before President Barack Obama took the oath of office Tuesday, his new administration launched a new Web site that dovetails with Obama’s commitment to new media.