Workforce Development

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PowerHouse Montana is an online platform designed to connect Montana women to the mentors and resources they need to succeed.

Register yourself or nominate another PowerHouse in your community and grow your network straight from your computer.

‘Grow Your Own’ aims to address Montana teacher shortage

The program is now working on a second cohort with more than 40 candidates having applied to seek credentialing in elementary education, special education and secondary education.

For MSU undergrads, research expands what it means to be an engineer

National surveys indicate a widespread tendency for engineering students to overlook their leadership potential

Women bring unique strengths to work

“As women, we understand what the team needs and bring to the table a comprehensive solution so that the team, career paths, company interests, shareholder interests, and customer interests are all taken care of.”

Reaching for the stars from Montana Western in Dillon

The Dillon campus operates under a plan it calls Experience One where students takes one class at a time, for several hours each day for a few days.

Nine Insights On How To Recruit And Keep The Right People For Your Company Or Startup

ABR. Always be recruiting.

New Mexico funds short-term training to address skills gap, unemployment

WIOA improves access to job training and education opportunities for people who have traditionally faced barriers to employment.

Montana apprenticeship program graduates first brewer

The State of Montana’s Registered Apprenticeship Program participants completed 8,400 apprenticeships from 2000 through last year.

The 30-Minute One Way Commute is the Standard – But We Enjoy the 2 Song Commute in Montana

Large labor markets require transportation that permits residents to reach the maximum of jobs in a reasonable period of time (such as 30 minutes, which has historical significance).

Interested in a MEDA Community Review?  Applications from Communities in Montana, Idaho and Wyoming Due by February 15th; next is June 15th.

A MEDA Community Review is an excellent three phased tool that will improve your community collaboration, communication, and action.