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DirecTV buys rival Dish as satellite mainstays hunker down against onslaught of streaming services

As more and more consumers tune into online streaming giants, demand for more traditional satellite continues to shrink.

Legalizing Sports Gambling Was a Huge Mistake

The evidence is convincing: The betting industry is ruining lives.

Steve Jobs Swore the 10-Minute Rule Made Him Smarter. Modern Neuroscience Is Discovering He Was Right

Stuck on a tough problem? Do what Jobs would have done and follow the 10-minute rule.

Are You Leading on Empty? How to Recognize and Combat Manager Burnout

Seasoned HR leader Daisy Auger-Dominguez outlines practical strategies for battling burnout in a new book.

Use Your Supercharger Votes To Help National Parks!

First, I voted for Gardiner, Montana and Cody, Wyoming. These stations are both near Yellowstone National Park, and would put Superchargers on three sides of the park. There’s already one in West Yellowstone, Montana, but sadly it’s not a V3, so non-Tesla vehicles can’t use it. Opening up two more routes into the park and helping Cody, Wyoming have something more than a dealer charger would be all-around fantastic.

Watch: Sioux Falls Mayor shares the story of a rider who saw the immediate impact the city’s improved public transit network

Hear from the Mayor of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, as he discusses the success of his city’s SAM On Demand — an innovative, tech-enabled transit service — along with a heartfelt rider story.

How America’s mayors are transforming communities with tech-enabled transit services

These mayors saw transportation challenges in their communities and took action to implement new microtransit services from scratch.

Hungry for affordable housing, communities turn to land trusts

The old-school approach is garnering renewed interest amid a nationwide housing crisis. The model promises permanently affordable housing.

Empowering Rural Entrepreneurs to Drive the Rural Economic Revival

Incubators and networking organizations for rural-based startups have been proven to deliver economic results to communities that host them and beyond.

9 Questions Top CEOs Ask in Interviews and Why They Love Them

Inc. 5000 CEOs shared the interview questions that help identify successful future employees.