Rural Communities

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Now is the perfect time for American foundations and private donors to invest in rural communities.

In the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, we are witnessing the kind of resilience that rural places are known for.

The Sweet Return of Philipsburg, Montana – A great place to live and work remotely

Looking to relocate to Montana to work remotely? Check out the cities and towns page for a full list of destinations.

As COVID-19 Strains Local Coffers, Senator Tester Pushes for Long-Term Fix to Funding for Rural Counties

Senator: “Congress must consider long-term solutions for PILT and SRS … to ensure viability for these programs for generations to come” 

Could this design be the future of farmer’s market and social-distance food shopping?

A proposed design for outdoor markets in Rotterdam would keep people apart while they buy their groceries.

Vote in favor of Bitterroot Valley Community College initiative

Voting for the Bitterroot Valley Community College initiative in the upcoming May 5 election will create many benefits for Ravalli County students, taxpayers and local communities:

Montana among the first? – Computer modelers estimate how much longer coronavirus shutdowns should last

Based on the current projections from UW’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, four states — Montana, Vermont, West Virginia and Hawaii — could loosen their restrictions as early as the week of May 4. Other states, ranging from Massachusetts and North Dakota to Arizona, may have to wait until the week of June 8 or later.

International Economic Development Council – Updates on Covid 19

Last week, IEDC sent out an update on the evolving federal response to the COVID-19 pandemic. While Congress remains in recess, work continues on the next piece or pieces of legislation. It is critical that your elected officials in Washington hear from you now. 

USDA Unveils Tool to Help Rural Communities Address the COVID-19 Pandemic

“This resource guide will help our rural leaders, whether they are in agriculture, education, health care or any other leadership capacity, understand what federal assistance is available for their communities during this unprecedented time.”

Hey, Rural America – Answer the Census, Already

The response rate in rural counties is low compared to metropolitan counties. The good news is there is plenty of time to catch up.

America should be ready for 18 months of shutdowns in ‘long, hard road’ ahead, warns the Fed’s Neel Kashkari

‘This could be a long, hard road that we have ahead of us until we get to either an effective therapy or a vaccine. It’s hard for me to see a V-shaped recovery under that scenario.’