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Digital Divide: Bridging the Urban-Rural Connectivity Gap

Addressing the rural-urban education gap should be a priority for today’s policymakers.

Whitefish nears completion of new sustainable tourism plan

The survey revealed a major change in how respondents view the impacts of tourism on Whitefish. Nearly two-thirds of people said “tourism benefits do outweigh the negative impacts” in 2018. Fast-forward to fall 2023, when just 30% of respondents agreed with that statement, 47% percent disagreed, and the other 23% fell somewhere in between.

Europe Rules That Insufficient Climate Change Action Is a Human Rights Violation

In a landmark ruling, the European Court of Human Rights found that Switzerland had not done enough to protect its citizens from climate change—blowing open the door for further cases against governments.

H&E Equipment acquiring Montana-based rental business

The affiliates are located in Havre, Glasgow and Great Falls, Montana, and each location serves multiple end markets, including non-residential, industrial and agriculture.

Rise in investor-owned single-family rentals prompts policy responses – Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

Policymakers taking note of investors’ increased share of the single-family rental market face decisions in a data-poor environment

Webinar Series: How to Build a Public Broadband Network – 4/16

Moderated by Bill Coleman, author of the AAPB handbook and longtime leader in community broadband, each webinar will provide expert advice for AAPB members, and feature the experiences of community leaders as they navigated establishing, building or running a public broadband network.

Sean Gerrity’s podcast is live! The Answers Are Out There.

Through these stories, my hope is to leave you with a bit more optimism and inspiration than you might get from many other news sources these days. Who knows, you might even get inspired yourself to act on a great idea that you have been carrying around for a while?

Building the next Silicon Valley requires the curiosity and talent to already be local, at least at first.

Communities that have successfully done this are Austin, Texas with Robert Metcalfe and other innovators, El Segundo in the defense industry, and Miami in the crypto industry. Internationally, Tel Aviv is another sustainable tech hub that is thriving. These successes should also be studied by policymakers as they could potentially be more replicable.

French post office to move focus from letters to… meal deliveries Only 15% of its work will be from letters by the end of this year, says La Poste CEO

The main function of the French post office will not be to deliver letters in the years to come – but to deliver meals, the CEO of La Poste has said, as the number of letters sent continues to drop.

Professional Climbers, Including Montana’s Conrad Anker, Outdoor Athletes File Briefs Supporting Youth Plaintiffs in Climate Lawsuit

“As an ice climber the threat of climate change is very real. We can look at the statistics of a shortened winter, but it really strikes home when you go to your favorite area and a climb that you’re familiar with, that shapes up every year, is absent,” Anker wrote in an amicus brief filed in support of 16 youth plaintiffs who won a landmark victory in the climate lawsuit Held v. Montana last summer.