Cool Stuff That's Coming

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Tonix Pharmaceuticals buys 44 acres in Hamilton, Montana for vaccine production facility

Saying that humans will have to coexist with variations of COVID-19, a pharmaceutical company based in New Jersey plans to open a new production facility in Hamilton for the development of domestic vaccines, including those aimed at coronavirus.

Eco Montana – Ridding Montana of Styrofoam! – Break it down: Bozeman restaurant looks to composting to reduce waste

Lot G Cafe packages its takeout food in compostable containers, made from plant products and sold by a local distributor, Eco Montana. It’s just the right thing to do, said owner Serena Rundberg, who also owns several other Bozeman restaurants.

High-Tech Roads Are Powering Electric Cars, Sensors and More

Two projects in Georgia and New York are exploring new technologies which embed power generation, computing and more into paving, opening up this right-of-way space to accommodate solar panels and smart city sensors.

How mushrooms are transforming the construction industry

Mycelium, the systems of root-like fibers that supplement most types of fungus, colonizes organic waste and turns it into exceptional and sustainable designs.

Broadband Funding, Policies May Change in a Biden White House

President-elect Joe Biden is expected to make a difference when it comes to federal broadband initiatives, experts say. The two remaining Senate races in Georgia also hold importance for federal Internet programs.

Apple Car Might Be Available from 2024

Rumors that the company is building a car with breakthrough battery technology are circulating.

7 Innovators in “AgeTech” To Pay Attention To

An aging population also presents many opportunities, and within the entrepreneur community there is a growing awareness of this.

Telehealth Pod in Eureka, Montana VFW Post Leads Nationwide Pilot Program

“If it prevents one veteran suicide, it’s worth everything,” Weldon said. “And I’m sure it’s going to do more than that. I enjoy coming in for 15 minutes and then going back to whatever it is I want to be doing.”

Missoula seeks traffic calming, 20 mph limits on residential streets – The city may impose 20 mph limit across entire San Francisco neighborhood

“We receive a lot of citizen complaints about speed,” Weiss said. “It’s potentially the most frequent call we get. We try to keep track of them the best we can. Really, only our wealthier neighborhoods have seen traffic calming.”

Walmart and Gatik Switch to Fully Driverless Deliveries in 2021

After 70,000 miles (112,650 km) of logged driving with a person there just for safety measures, the companies now deem the system safe enough to power itself sans-human, going completely driverless on that route.