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Internships Have Value, Whether or Not Students Are Paid

Academic internships are three-way partnerships among an institution of higher education, the intern­ship site, and the student. They have an irreplaceable role in the liberal arts by providing hands-on learning opportunities, allowing students to collaborate closely with faculty, and strengthening ties between the college and the community.

EIGHT New Grant announcements

EIGHT New Grant announcements have been added to the MSU Extension Website at:

A Message to Graduating MBA’s

"Imagine that you are 45 and are looking back on your last 15-20 years. Is your work, and life, full of meaning?"

The 5 traits that make a great CEO

What does it take to lead an organization — whether it’s a sports team, a nonprofit, a start-up or a multinational corporation? What are the X factors?

The Brain and Emotional Intelligence: New Insights

If you are interested in Emotional Intelligence this latest book by Daniel Goleman is a must read.

College Grads: Why Your First Job Should be With a Startup

3. You’ll discover talents you never knew you had.

Let Your Story Cut Through the Noise and Clutter

Here are 3 ways you can build a story and your brand connection with people at the same time

Turning the habit of self-criticism upside down — How to fail

It’s not an easy habit, but it works.

Rebirth of the American Farmer

Washington state has instituted a one-year pilot project in two counties (Skagit and San Juan) to allow small farms to take on up to three interns each

A 12-Step Guide to Fostering Your Creativity

One skill that every designer must learn — and quickly — is how to be creative on-demand.