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Equal opportunity in Montana

October is National Women’s Small Business Month, and many professional women in Helena say that Montana’s capital city provides equal opportunity for all young professionals, as long as you’re willing to work hard.

Manufacturers setting a high bar for employee engagement by employing people with disabilities.

Acadia is an employee-centric company. Their company philosophy is "Never settle."

This view is evident in the people they hire.

Want a successful career? Look for this trait in a spouse.

"Even though your spouse doesn’t come to work with you day in and day out, their personality contributes to your job success."

Higher Creativity Through 12,000 Steps

When it comes to creativity, as with other aspects of work, we would be well served to use the data we have at our disposal.

It Isn’t What You Know at Work. It’s How You ‘Behave’

In the fast-paced, high stress environment of modern business, what newly minted M.B.A.s and early- to midcareer professionals can get done depends largely on the quality of their behaviors and their interactions with others.

Bosses Seek ‘Critical Thinking,’ but What Is That?

Employers complain that colleges are not producing graduates who can solve problems and connect the dots on complex issues, but bosses stumble when pressed to describe exactly what skills make critical thinkers.

6 Tips for Starting Your Career From Mario Schulzke

If you don’t have much room to move up, you won’t have anywhere to go, and you don’t want to do the same thing forever, right?

Don’t Fall for the Hype About Leadership Programs for Women

I’m also not confident that a gender-targeted program can fix all the issues that have made it hard for women to advance in the workplace. Here’s why:

5 signs you are interviewing at a toxic company

The person interviewing you doesn’t give you a tour

Arianna Huffington: Burned-out tech workers can’t connect to others

"Eighty percent of thinking is unnecessary; it just gets in the way of enjoying your life,"