Universities and Economic Development

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More than half of Americans no longer believe college is worth the cost. Paid internships could help

Stephen Moret and Jeff Selingo argue that while most graduates do reap economic benefits from their college experience, the lack of confidence among the general public should be taken seriously.

Foundations of Private Equity and Venture Capital – Harvard Business School – March 3-6 – Harvard, Mass

The Foundations of Private Equity and Venture Capital program delves into the fundamental challenges and best practices for successfully raising a new fund or venture. You will explore the full range of industry models, from venture capital to growth equity to buyouts, as well as the key issues related to investment criteria, management strategies, and decision-making processes.

How to Build Tech Hubs in the American Heartland

Regions in the US interior are well-positioned to revive their manufacturing industries with new technology.

The long-awaited FAFSA is finally here. Now, hurry up and fill it out. Here’s why.

The goal of the new FAFSA form is to make it easier for students and families to get money to pay for school, but the lateness in getting it out may have complicated things for those who have to complete it this year.

The New-Collar Workforce – Advanced skills but no degree

There’s a huge, capable, and diverse talent pool out there that companies aren’t paying nearly enough attention to: workers without college degrees. It’s time for a skills-first approach to hiring and people management.

$4M Award Funds University of Montana Biomedical Entrepreneurship and Innovation Hub

The UM-based hub will accelerate commercialization of biomedical innovation across Montana, Alaska, Idaho, and Wyoming, as well as help academic innovators develop medical products that address unmet medical needs across the U.S.

World’s Happiest Country Finland Offered a Master Class on How to Be Happy. These Are the 3 Biggest Takeaways

They are all great, science-backed tips for how to be a bit happier. But some Finns claim the real secret to their happiness is something else entirely.

Flagship public universities likely to cut more humanities, staff — especially in rural states

‘Are we going to revert back to “normal?” No, we will have a new normal.’

Montana State receives $6 million to enhance its research impact

“This is an exciting opportunity for MSU to increase its capacity to support and grow translational research activities that will stimulate local and regional economic development,” said Alison Harmon, MSU’s vice president for research and economic development.

Montana college students less likely to graduate than national peers

Of the nearly 1,300 freshmen who started at the University of Montana in the fall of 2017, fewer than half have graduated six years later.