STARS Montana Early Education Program

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Ronald Reagan – The Importance of Stories

Telling a story, he made me understand, helps make your case in a way that no abstraction can: A story builds an emotional bond, and emotional bonds build trust.

Missoula Parks and Rec transforms old library into affordable child care facility

Using CARES Act funding, Missoula Parks and Recreation has transformed the old library building on Main Street into a school-aged childcare facility available for as low as $2 a day through Jan. 22.

Khan Academy is an essential homeschooling resource, especially for math

Khan Academy is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and relies on donations. There is absolutely no charge for parents, teachers and students to set up a profile and gain full, unlimited access to the site. 

A new report is out that tells the data story of the strain the pandemic has put on child care businesses and the workforce affected in Montana.  

The diversity of the people at the table and their shared interest in thriving families which support a thriving economy, is truly inspiring!

How Gaming Can Help Learners of All Ages

The idea is not to allow teenagers to spend hours playing Minecraft or Among Us; instead, it’s about creating games that intensify the learning process by stimulating the brain in ways that make the subject matter really stick.

Parents can’t afford daycare and preschool. Oregon voters are giving it to kids for free.

“How do you put a price tag on education? How do you say this particular child doesn’t deserve to go to preschool because his mom or dad or grandma or legal guardian doesn’t make enough money? That is a lose-lose situation for everybody.”

Daycares in Finland Built a ‘Forest Floor’, And It Changed Children’s Immune Systems

Playing through the greenery and litter of a mini forest’s undergrowth for just one month may be enough to change a child’s immune system, according to a small new experiment. 

Helena Public Schools adopt data-based model for changing phases of operations

“What the board really approved on Tuesday was a commitment that we would use data – and particularly local data – as an indicator in informing decisions that we need to make,” he said.

A little rainy day inspiration from Kurt Vonnegut.

“Seriously! I mean starting right now, do art and do it for the rest of your lives.”

Montana Business Quarterly

Child Care Gap is Costing Montana Millions