South Dakota News & Events

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What would it take for generosity to go viral?

“Be brave. Give what you can, and then be absolutely amazed at what happens next,”

Montana business leaders express concerns over proposed federal rule

The National Labor Relations Board is preparing to implement a new “joint employer rule.” It says companies that can exert control over the terms and conditions of someone’s employment – like wages, schedule, hiring and working conditions – has to be involved in collective bargaining for that employee, even if the control is indirect and even if it isn’t actually exerted.

CBS 60 Minutes – Lack of new construction and corporate landlords contributing to skyrocketing rent

Democrats introduce bills to ban hedge funds from single-family housing market

Baby boomers back in business: Retirees returning to workforce

“Good attitudes. Treat customers good. Don’t mind going out of their way,” is how company 62-year-old owner Helen Hatten describes what she looks for in an employee. “A lot of Baby Boomers have those traits.”

Driverless trucks one step closer to large-scale expansion onto U.S. roadways

Self-driving trucking firm Aurora and partner Continental have finalized the design of what they say is the world’s first scalable autonomous trucking system.

Why Cities Are Turning to Climate Change Dashboards

As the world gets hotter, technology offers governments a fresh way to track emissions and the progress of officials in meeting climate goals. What benefits do these dashboards offer, and how are cities using them?

Google Just Swallowed the Cookie. That Will Change How Your Company Advertises

Digital cookies were never delicious, thanks to their privacy-invading powers. But when they go, it will force changes on how companies find customers online.

Could this obscure tax idea reshape American housing?

Mayor Duggan, who is spearheading the effort, hopes this land-value tax idea will incentivize development on blighted property as well as offer some tax relief to homeowners, who bear some of the highest rates in the country. The Duggan administration estimates that under his proposal 97 percent of Detroit homeowners will see an average decrease of 17 percent in property tax.

How childcare shortages undermine rural communities

With pandemic-era federal funding support at an end, policymakers and providers are struggling with sustainability.

This is the new leaders playbook for 2024

The leaders who will thrive in 2024 are those who recognize that the future is not just something to prepare for; it is something to create with these three strategies.