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How to Ensure Your Return to the Office Is Positive for Everyone on Your Team

Return-to-work orders are back in full swing–and that may be the cause of some (avoidable) tension.

What ski towns tell us about the inequality crisis

Ski town economics are a harbinger for America’s struggling middle class

Why Cities Want Old Buildings Taken Down Gently

A growing number of US cities are adopting “deconstruction” policies that involve taking structures apart by hand in the name of sustainability.

Missouri Technology Corp. wants to boost the state’s entrepreneurship sector. It’s recommended 16 ideas to do so

MTC’s report, which is called “Catalyzing Innovation: Strategies for Missouri to Drive Innovation and Entrepreneurship,” identifies five main areas where the state’s innovation and entrepreneurship economy currently is lagging and offers 16 recommendations to combat those challenges.

More countries are trying out shorter workweeks without salary loss

Newsweek’ reports that Belgium has become the latest country to offer workers the right to a four-day workweek without loss of salary.

Rural electric co-ops are the fastest growing group of broadband providers

“You’d be hard pressed if you’re a rural electric co-op to not get in the broadband business,”

Annual ‘State Of The Rockies’ project key findings

“It’s a tool for policy makers and the general public to gauge citizens’ attitudes towards a number of conservation issues facing the west,”

The return of ‘revenge travel’: As omicron wanes, Americans eagerly book vacations

The country is on the verge of a mini spending boom just as the Federal Reserve is trying to rein in inflation

How Not to Get Written Out of Your Founder Story

Nearly 50% of founders are removed from the position of CEO within the first 18 months of receiving funding. Those are daunting odds—so what are the best ways to prevent this from happening to you?

High-Profile Study Reveals Why Most Meetings Are Ineffective. It Only Takes 1 Simple Step to Fix It.

Most meetings participants are passive observers — which is why you need a method for actively engaging each one of them.