Social Media, Connectivity & Communications

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FCC Submits Rulemaking Notice for ‘Open Internet’

The tug of war over Net neutrality could be drawing to a close. A notice published Monday in the Federal Register asks for public comment about proposed rulemaking that would "preserve the open Internet."

Broadband stimulus moves at dial-up speeds

Most of that stimulus money hasn’t been spent.

Google Launches Automated YouTube Captioning; AAPD Applauds

“We applaud industry leadership such as this. We look to other companies to be as innovative in making their products and services accessible to people with disabilities.”

FCC broadband planners to outline hurdles to universal access

These are the problems identified by the Federal Communications Commission as obstacles in its effort to blanket the country with high-speed Internet service.

Rewiring an Old Fund for Rural Broadband

The Universal Service Fund, set up 75 years ago to get phone service to rural communities, may extend funding to rural broadband and other new media.

Google’s Gift: Free Wi-Fi at Billings and Bozeman Montana airports (full list of participating airports)

Travelers passing through airports in Billings and Bozeman will not have to pay for wireless Internet over the next two months as part of a holiday promotion sponsored by the Internet search giant Google.

New PC to encourage older users

A new computer aimed at people aged over 60 who are unfamiliar with PCs and the internet has been unveiled.

Montana Governor Schweitzer mandates 35% cut in travel expenses

Much of the training once offered to employees primarily at out-of-state conferences is available via Internet "webinars" or through telephone conference calls, officials said. Instead of flying to Denver, for example, state workers now can sit at their computer terminals and take in the presentations.

European Union Reaches Agreement to Improve Internet User Rights – Verizon Wireless doubles early termination fee

The consumer rights section is particularly interesting, as it would give Europeans the right to switch telecoms operators within 1 day and the right to transparent and comparable price information.

Bresnan Backroom Deal Threatens Jobs, Investment in Rural Montana

Montana’s rural telecommunications providers employ 1,000 Montanans and invest $70 million every year in building and expanding broadband networks to serve their business and residential consumers, as well as schools, health care providers, emergency responders, Tribal institutions and other key entities.