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Storm Worm Erupts Into Worst Virus Attack In 2 Years

Storm worm authors are blasting the Internet with two types of attacks, and both are aimed at building up their botnet.

Not-So-Friendly Greeting Cards

You might want to think twice before opening that e-greeting card sent to you via e-mail.

Trojans Lurking In Fake Video Postings On YouTube

In the past week, two fake video postings have been set up on YouTube to infect users with a Trojan that includes pop-up porn ads, Secure Computing warns.

Most Malicious Software Attack Ever Using Infected Web Sites Reported

4,500-plus travel sites in Italy attacked in which stolen customer data is sent to a server in Chicago.

Beware Storm Worm e-mail virus deluge

Thursday likely marked the largest proliferation of e-mail virus attacks in more than a year, according to security company Postini.

Most Significant Internet Attack Since 2002 on Feb. 6, 2007

"These zombie computers could have brought the Web to its knees, and while the resilience of the root servers should be commended, more needs to be done to tackle the root of the problem – the lax attitude of some users towards IT security," said Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant at Sophos. "Society is almost totally reliant on the Internet for day-to-day communication — it’s ironic that the people who depend on the Web may have been the ones whose computers were secretly trying to bring it down."

Storm Worm Hits Computers Around the World

Computer virus writers started to use raging European storms on Friday to attack thousands of computers in an unusual real-time assault, head of research at Finnish data security firm F-Secure told Reuters.

Worm hits computers via Symantec antivirus program

"It is definitely a new worm, and it is looking for vulnerable systems

Baiters Teach Scammers a Lesson

But Metimbers and crew turn the tables on scammers one by one, boomeranging the tricksters’ own tactics to entice them into performing outlandish tasks in desperate pursuit of cash — then trumpeting evidence of the con artists’ naïveté for the online world’s amusement.

Researchers issue warning on ‘powerful’ Internet attacks

First detected late last year, the new attacks directed such massive amounts of spurious data against victim computers that even flagship technology companies could not cope, the report said.