North Dakota Business and Economic Development

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Will North Dakota Be the First State to End Property Taxes?

If any state is going to take such a dramatic step, North Dakota would seem to be a likely candidate.

North Dakota Ranks First in Economic Growth

According to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, North Dakota`s gross domestic product increased by 7.6 percent last year.

As North Dakota Thrives, Leaders Look to ‘2020 and Beyond’

State leaders say business professionals in North Dakota aren’t just interested in seeing their own region thrive, they want to see the entire state succeed.

Missoula, Montana based Adventure Cycling Association warns touring bicyclists to stay away from North Dakota oil fields

The Adventure Cycling Association , based in Montana, says it’s remapping the popular bike routes due to "alarming reports" about risky riding conditions through North Dakota’s booming oil patch.

Study finds North Dakota first in job growth

"One common theme among those doing well on the list is the use of natural resources at a time of high energy prices."

MAIN STREET MAKEOVER: Grafton, North Dakota sees business district rebound

In a calculated gamble, Grafton began buying the long-vacant buildings from Walsh County, which had taken possession for nonpayment of taxes, in hopes of encouraging local businesses and entrepreneurs to make investments to bring them back to life.

Welcome to the weird wild west

Straight up the road from Deadwood is Medora, North Dakota, the quaint gateway to Theodore Roosevelt National Park’s South Unit that showcases the badlands’ stark beauty. It’s also home to the Medora Musical, one of the cheesiest all-American extravaganzas you’ll ever clap your eyes on.

University of Mary Uses North Dakota Economy to Recruit

Myron Schulz-U Mary Head Coach: we use it as a selling point, we talk about Mike Offerdahl and Roger Thomas and they’re going to go out raising money and go to an area that’s good and the state coffers are good, and there’s lots of growth.

Dakota Business | Year End Reporting | New IRS Program | 5 Rules of Negotiating

North Dakota SBA District Office Newsletter

The Man Who Bought North Dakota

"It’s a great day in North Dakota," he says. "We’ll find it."