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Montana med school clash revives for-profit vs. nonprofit flap

Montana is one of only four states without a medical school, making it fertile ground for one.

How work will change permanently after the pandemic – It’s time to reimagine the future of work. Here are 5 ways to do it

For all the pain, this terrifying year could augur potentially positive changes in the workplace. Pandemics change economies, a truth going back centuries. The post-COVID period may well see a transformative, long-lasting effect on employers.

What Will It Take to Close the Wealth Gap?

The historic factors that created the racial wealth gap and the systemic barriers that sustain it.

Big Sky Economic Development – June 2021 Upcoming Trainings

Many great trainings for you and your staff

MEDA members are on the ground working in communities from Troy to Baker to best utilize the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to fully transform, recover, and build Montana’s economy.

Asalways, our team will be willing and ready to meet with the Commissions and State Leaders at any convenient time and to stand ready to help deploy the funds in a meaningful and impactful way. Our continued and long lasting goal remains, as always, to help communities economically thrive and build a strong future for Montana.

4 new revelations on how people give to charity crowdfunding campaigns

Who’s raising money, who’s giving it, and what makes people more likely to donate.

When the Bison Come Back, Will the Ecosystem Follow?

An effort to bring wild bison to the Great Plains aims to restore one of the world’s most endangered ecosystems.

State of the City: Mayor says Billings is “good, bordering on excellent”

Fifteen months later “we are fundamentally optimistic today,” the mayor said

Labor Shortage Draws Attention of U.S. Lawmakers

Congressional lawmakers from both parties are considering incentives such as providing federal funding to pay for hiring bonuses for workers and expanded tax credits for employers. A handful of states are moving to implement such programs on their own, without waiting for action from Washington.

Bozeman looks to hire liaisons to improve community planning, development

The goal is to connect people who are under-represented in the city’s current planning structure and process to parks, open spaces, trails and active transportation.