Montana Leadership

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Montana is melting and its politicians refuse to do anything about it

It’s almost impossible to believe, but while Montanans are melting in record-high, triple-digit temperatures in June, mining and burning more coal as well as drilling and burning more oil and gas continues to be recklessly promoted by our politicians who are apparently blind to the severe drought, blistering temperatures, and insect infestations as the climate-destroying cycle of fossil-fuel production and consumption continues.

Your story is interesting, but only if you tell it

“I call storytelling ‘the leader’s superpower’ because telling a story is more engaging, inspiring and motivating than anything else you can say,”

How a dedicated agility office can make a difference

Companies serious about change should create a dedicated agile transformation office to guide operational modifications and provide targeted coaching, says this McKinsey analysis. This article outlines the structure, goals and responsibilities of such an office.

“A New Angle,” Public Radio to Broadcast UM Professor Justin Angle’s Acclaimed Podcast

Beginning July 1, MTPR will broadcast new episodes of “A New Angle” over its stations across western and central Montana. The show also will continue to be available as a podcast.

CAN DO Season 4 Recap: What lessons did the Pandemic Teach us?

Please listen to the Pearls of wisdom from a great collection of business leaders on what the Pandemic has taught us.  Well worth a listen.

New Water Wars Are Coming to the American West

Water has been generating conflicts and controversies in the US for centuries, but the American West could be heading toward the most severe water shortages and skirmishes in the nation’s history.

Hey Montana – Be Sure to Wish Paul Tuss a Happy Birthday Today!

Happy Birthday Paul.

7 skills you need if you want to solve public problems

Beth Simone Noveck, director of the Governance Lab at NYU, explains the tools you need to develop to change policy to improve people’s lives.

Montana Governor Greg Gianforte’s Goal: One Year, 10,000 Jobs, 50K Salaries

The Comeback Plan strives to boost the state’s economy, cuts taxes, roll back regulations, expand concealed carry of firearms and restrict access to abortion, among other social and fiscal policies.

Changing Someone’s Mind: A Powerful New Approach

The Goal: To change minds, organizations, industries, and the world — stop trying to persuade, and instead, encourage people to persuade themselves.