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Webinar Series: How to Build a Public Broadband Network – 4/16

Moderated by Bill Coleman, author of the AAPB handbook and longtime leader in community broadband, each webinar will provide expert advice for AAPB members, and feature the experiences of community leaders as they navigated establishing, building or running a public broadband network.

Sean Gerrity’s podcast is live! The Answers Are Out There.

Through these stories, my hope is to leave you with a bit more optimism and inspiration than you might get from many other news sources these days. Who knows, you might even get inspired yourself to act on a great idea that you have been carrying around for a while?

Building the next Silicon Valley requires the curiosity and talent to already be local, at least at first.

Communities that have successfully done this are Austin, Texas with Robert Metcalfe and other innovators, El Segundo in the defense industry, and Miami in the crypto industry. Internationally, Tel Aviv is another sustainable tech hub that is thriving. These successes should also be studied by policymakers as they could potentially be more replicable.

Doing Diligence Well In Venture Investing: Going Back To The Future

In venture investing, the intent of diligence is to thoroughly evaluate an opportunity and develop a high-conviction investment thesis.

You’re Invited: Dorsey’s Privacy Titans – Optimizing Our Neural Networks (4/16) – Online

Come join us to hear about the latest privacy and cybersecurity developments and the key items to put on your 2024 roadmap.

7 tips to lock down the right startup investors for the long haul – The Reverse Term Sheet

Increase your chances of a successful capital raise with these strategies from the founder who built and scaled Appfire.

New internet ‘nutrition label’ aims to help de-mystify bills – Are you getting your daily minimum amount of “fiber”?

A new Federal Communications Commission rule goes into effect on April 10 that mandates ISPs to provide an easy-to-read breakdown of internet fees. And the new graphic has a familiar look: a nutrition label.

Can Technology Help Build Better Housing?

Cities need more “missing middle” housing. A new startup aims to help real estate developers build it.

First Cities: Planning Lessons for the 21st Century

A new book about urban planning in the deep human past explores principles, strategies, and lessons relevant for today.

Affirming Truths about Homelessness

This learning brief examines public perceptions of people experiencing homelessness and dispels inaccurate assumptions and stereotypes embedded within them.