Government Technology

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Montana CIO Ron Baldwin Advances Strategic IT Vision

As state CIO, Baldwin has a more global set of priorities, aligned with Gov. Bullock’s vision for a more effective government. IT, Baldwin explained, will play a key role in carrying out that vision by helping make government seamless for citizens.

King County, Wash., Saves $6.1 Million with mobile apps for property assessors

The agency’s new mobile solution, however — called iRealProperty — solved many of the problems, and now saves the county time, money and trouble.

Developers Are Already Submitting Patches to Obama’s New Open Data Policy

"We sit on a treasure trove of data in government."

New White House Open Data Policy

President Obama issued an executive order on open data, and the directive outlines support for making government data "open and accessible by default."

How Generation X is Shaping Government

Gen Xers are way more comfortable with transparency and open data initiatives. We’re learning in government that people are interested in this information and that they’re willing to put it into a meaningful, useful format that benefits other people in the community."

Big Data in Maryland

In this video from the NASCIO Midyear Conference in Washington D.C., Powell talks about the steps his state is taking to make greater use data sharing and analytics.

6 Things You May Not Know About Open Data

DATA.GOV – Empowering the People – The purpose of is to increase public access to high value, machine readable datasets generated by the Executive Branch of the Federal Government.

Shaking Up Washington State’s IT Culture

In this video Cockrill talks about the need to build an agile, mobile state IT workforce.

San Francisco Mayor Signs Landmark Open Data Policy and Procedures Legislation

It puts in one place all approved city data that help constituents make better use of information.

City of Billings fights rumors about building permit review time

An exasperated clerk, asked by a contractor how long it would take to get his permit approved, said it would be eight to 10 weeks.