Government Technology

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The Soft Infrastructure of Smart Cities

The "smarts" of any community will be judged in large part by how well its citizens use technology to make their city a better place to live.

Boston Mayor Plugs Into Big Data – Data dashboards give Mayor Walsh the latest news

"It’s really a way to have the department heads push to deliver better services to the city of Boston." Mayor Walsh

It’s all about data… Koch Group Seeks Lasting Voice for Small Government

"Being in the field and testing during the slower periods, and in smaller areas, allows you to refine strategy and tactics so that you can make the larger investments with confidence."

A Quasi-Governmental Recipe for Efficiency

One of the reasons Bryant Park remains so successful is because of steady, data-driven changes to its operations. The examples are many, and delve into every area of the park’s management.

How States Are Cracking Down on Small Business Tax Cheats

California’s is about $10 billion annually, and the Golden State is investing $670 million over five years in technology to improve its collections, expected to raise an additional $1 billion a year in tax revenue.

Tips for saving the government money, time and effort – start by following the data

It is crucial to identify key performance indicators from the start, to rely on data for decision-making and to regularly evaluate outcomes and make adjustments as necessary.

At a glance: risk levels of state computer systems

Initial cybersecurity risk assessments of state systems linking to federal computers to help enroll people for coverage under the new health care law found widespread risks.

Big Data, Big Questions

New technologies can’t solve what are essentially political questions about power and rights.

Survey for the upcoming redesign project for the Missoula County website

We would like to ask that you send the following survey link to any email groups/lists that you think will have particular interest and input regarding the website’s redesign.

Can a Book Club Improve Government?

Your current selection is Moneyball. What does that have to do with government?

It’s all about using data in unique ways to drive innovation. Right now, the mayor is working with an organization called Results for America, and they’ve been promoting this "Moneyball for Government" idea to use data and evidence to drive investment decisions. We recently did a Twitter town hall around that and so it made sense to add this book.