Energy and Climate Change

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Study Links Flaming Water to Fracking

"Our results show evidence for methane contamination of shallow drinking water systems in at least three areas of the region and suggest important environmental risks accompanying shale gas exploration worldwide."

Climate activists target states with lawsuits

A group of attorneys using children and young adults as plaintiffs plans to file legal actions in every state and the District of Columbia on Wednesday in an effort to force government intervention on climate change.

Self-Powering, Wireless Energy Sensors Join the Internet

These sensors are able to communicate via TCP/IP networks, which means that when installed, the energy use of any web-connected building can be managed from another web-connected device.

Getting Off the Water Grid in Seattle

In one of Seattle’s most urban neighborhoods, a small elementary school is trying to wean itself off the city’s water grid.

Governor Schweitzer’s Energy Intern

The internship program is an academic program that enables college students to participate in energy-related work experiences as part of their academic training.

U.S. study says rising temperatures put Western water supplies at risk

This report assesses climate change risks and how these risks could impact water operations, hydropower, flood control, and fish and wildlife in the western United States.

Energy Ecosystem of the Future Hinges on Many Sources – Idaho-based Solar Roadways

Imagine driving on a road paved not with asphalt but with glass. And within this glass are photovoltaic cells that transform sunlight into electricity and send it directly to the homes lining the street. That’s the aim of an Idaho-based company called Solar Roadways .

Discovery Could Make Fuel Cells Much Cheaper

"For all intents and purposes, this is a zero-cost catalyst in comparison to platinum, so it directly addresses one of the main barriers to hydrogen fuel cells."

The Big Thirst: The Secret Revolution In U.S. Water Use

In four days, the United States uses more water than the world uses oil in a year.

Report: Carcinogens used in hydraulic fracturing in 5 Western states

Wyoming ranked fourth among states with at least 100,000 gallons of water pumped containing a carcinogen in the four-year period, with a total volume of 759,898 gallons, according to the report. Texas ranked first with 3.88 million gallons.