Energy and Climate Change

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Basin Electric Announces Two 40-Megawatt Wind Generation Projects in the Dakotas

Basin Electric Power Cooperative CEO Ron Harper announced today the Cooperative and FPL Energy LLC, a subsidiary of FPL Group, Inc. (NYSE:FPL – News), have reached an agreement to build an 80-megawatt wind energy project,…

Three Reasons some Corporations are Building Green

Currently there are three known advantages to green design, and all of them have something to do with cost savings: energy and water conservation; healthier, more productive interior office environments; and new tax credits in…

Utility contracts for energy from Kalispell mill

NorthWestern Energy has agreed to buy power from a Kalispell mill that generates electricity from burning scrap wood, the company announced Friday. By the Associated Press Missoulian The contract with Thompson River Co-Gen calls for…

U.S. EPA Seeks to Boost Recycling

The Bush administration today launched a new campaign to help boost recycling of materials ranging from metals to plastics to paper. The initiative, which also aims to slash the generation of toxic chemicals, was announced…

Tour offers look at solar power options

Even though thick cloud cover kept the sun from shining Saturday morning, about 30 people braved the rain to tour area solar-energy homes. By KAYLEY MENDENHALL Chronicle Staff Writer "Here in Southwest Montana, we get…

Green designs help buildings stay in the pink-Energy-efficient trend at work

When Continuum Partners moved into its new office space downtown this year, the Denver developer put its environmentally conscious approach to the test. By Mark P. Couch Denver Post Business Writer The company reused light…

Montana ranks high in greenhouse gases

The state of Montana produces as much pollution tied to global warming as 57 Third World countries, a new study shows. BY JENNIFER MCKEE Gazette State Bureau The report, "First in Emissions, Behind in Solutions,"…

Real power from nothing but hot air

Australia plans 1km-high convection tower to supply 200,000 houses A one kilometre-high tower capable of producing enough energy for 200,000 homes has been approved by the Australian government and could be in operation within three…

After a Long Debate, Ethanol May Soon Fill More Gas Tanks

After 30 years of controversy over federal subsidies, ethanol is on the verge of a major Congressional victory that has South Dakota farmers counting their winnings and the oil industry fuming. To estimate the value…

Montana-Dakota Announces “Wind Farm” Development

Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. has entered into an agreement with Dakota I Power Partners (Dakota I) of Fredonia, North Dakota, to develop a 20-megawatt wind energy farm in Dickey County. Pending regulatory approval, the project will…