Energy and Climate Change

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Kit lets anyone design their own smart home without coding skills

LittleBits Smart Home Kit is enabling anyone to make their entire home smart using their existing appliances and without any programming skills.

Clean energy development is good for Montana

Montana stands ready to lead the nation with clean energy development that bolsters our economy and saves money for consumers.

EcoStar Pollution Prevention Award applicants and nominees sought

The Montana State University Extension Ecostar program seeks deserving businesses and organizations to recognize for their outstanding pollution prevention efforts.

Your body is the next battery: New technologies harvest energy from movements, sound and more

"There needs to be a way to stop all of these millions of batteries from being created," he said. "We’re choking on batteries already."

Major wind farm breaks ground near Bridger

Construction of a 120-turbine wind farm is underway in Carbon County as developers scramble to benefit from a last-minute federal tax credit passed this week.

The World’s Biggest Car Company (Toyota) Wants to Get Rid of Gasoline

The car can double as a mobile power station: A socket in the trunk can electrify the typical Japanese home for about a week in the event of an earthquake or other emergency.

No More Faking It: Companies Ditch Green Credits, Clean Up Instead

"These voluntary green power markets have no significant effect on how much renewable energy is generated."

Fuel cells power systems on the rise

The clean energy attributes of fuel cells, which are electrochemical devices rather than relying on combustion of fuel and produce almost nothing in the way of pollutants, will surely see them widely used eventually. For the moment, state support programmes continue to close the funding gap.

Learning From New Very Low Energy Buildings

"Designers need to be good at designing but also at persuading", he adds. This is because the different experts involved in the planning and construction of the building, including insurance companies, are often skeptical about new materials and technologies.

Law Could Short-Circuit Battery Breakthrough

Oncor is willing to spend billions of dollars by 2018 to install some 25,000 batteries across Texas that would store electricity to be discharged when needed.