Energy and Climate Change

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Through the roof – As residential solar surges, the net-metering debate heats up

Forty-one states and the District of Columbia have mandatory net-metering rules, but the rapid growth in residential solar has states from New York to Montana to Arizona wrestling with how to promote this renewable, distributed resource in a way that placates utilities challenged by integrating the power and apportioning the associated costs.

Clean-energy advocates kick off "Charge Montana" advertising campaign

Montana’s energy economy is in crisis.

Movie – ‘Racing to Zero’ – In pursuit of zero waste

Three years ago the mayor of San Francisco pledged to achieve zero waste by 2020. Racing to Zero tracks San Francisco’s waste stream diversion tactics and presents innovative new solutions to waste. This film documents a surprising, engaging and inspiring race to zero.

Researchers accidentally discover a way to make batteries last basically forever

Compared to existing lithium-ion battery technology, this could shift the future of energy storage forever – and the whole thing was discovered on accident.

Is Distributed Generation the Answer to Regulatory Dysfunction?

Or is distributed generation just regulatory arbitrage?

Batteries Will Not Be the Future of Grid Balancing in Germany

Power-to-heat and demand-side management are the most cost-effective measures for the country’s grid up to 2030, concludes a government-funded study.

This year’s weird Alaska winter should make us very, very nervous.

It’s time to think of winters like the past three as glimpses into the future.

Startup Invents a Bench that Can Cut Air Pollution by Up to 30 Percent.

The startup Green City Solutions has created a 13-foot high installation that can fight pollution with the force of 275 trees while also serving as a hub for free Wi-Fi and other infrastructure needs.

Missoula gets public solar-powered charging station

The charging station was provided by Climate Smart Missoula, which is a community-funded group that fosters partnerships and actions to address climate change in the community.

New solar lab to boost Missoula College energy technology program

Several large solar projects are planned around the state this summer, promising new jobs in a rapidly growing field.