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Dorsey & Whitney - An International business law firm, applying a business perspective to clients' needs in Missoula, Montana and beyond.

Academics Set Startup Record – University and nonprofit research generates 462 startup companies in 2004.

U.S. institutions executed 4,783 licenses or options on their inventions and research last year, a 6.1 percent jump from 2003, when 4,507 such deals were inked.

How Creative is your Company? – Take the Quiz

Creative companies are a joy to work for.

Education is key to overcoming coming jobs crisis. "The 2010 Meltdown: Solving the Impending Jobs Crisis" by Edwin Gordon

Boomers exceed the next generation of workers by about 10 million and more than half of the new generation are techno-peasants who lack the education and skills needed to step into the positions being vacated.

Portland, Oregon builds reputation as software revolution hub. Too many cooks may spoil the broth, but too many programmers just makes software better.

Portland — a city where T-shirts on college campuses are more likely to sport Firefox than Che — is now seeing venture capitalists descending upon it, proof that all the heavyweight open-source talent here may indeed power the local economy.

QREATIVITY: Revolutionary ideas come from ridiculous questions

QREATIVITY is creating something out of nothing by asking BIG questions.

Does Your Company Belong in the Blogosphere?

Blogs allow us to get our message out to the world in a direct, unmediated, and unfiltered way.
— Tim Bray, Sun Microsystems

Southern Arizona region lays out plan for region’s economic future – TREO

While bringing new employers to the region will be a goal – such as it did with Iowa-based Pella Corp. – TREO’s plan this year revolves more around "blocking and tackling" for companies already operating in the region, Snell said.

Software is boss – WisdomNet eliminates many middle-management tasks

Effective management, training and retention of the right people give companies a competitive edge and can help improve productivity.

But companies often don’t provide managers with the tools to do that.

Learning curve is quick slide when starting up a business

Don’t think you can avoid creating a business plan. As Yogi Berra said, "You’ve got to be very careful if you don’t know where you’re going, because you might not get there."

There’s more than one way to measure city’s prosperity

The "Growth Without Growth" paper provides substantial evidence indicating that ratcheting populations jack up costs of cops, schools, road maintenance and on and on.