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Dorsey & Whitney - An International business law firm, applying a business perspective to clients' needs in Missoula, Montana and beyond.

Research View 2007 – A Publication of The University of Montana

Everyone has heard of the canary in the coal mine, which sways or drops dead in the presence of poisonous gas, alerting miners to get out.

Now a University of Montana research team has learned to understand the collective buzzing of bees in their hives, which can provide a similar biological alert system.

South Dakota chosen for underground lab

The NSF said the lab, located at Lead, S.D., in the northern Black Hills, will be the largest and deepest facility of its kind in the world.

Employers prepare for aging work force

"We want to know if there are concerns and what we can do to help mature workers and the companies who employ them."

University Venture Fund Students Score With Two Successful High-Tech Venture Capital Investments

Largest Student-Run Private Equity Fund, with $18 Million in Capital, Proves College Students Do Learn About Entrepreneurship and Make Astute Investment Choices in Unique Educational Program

Career Technical Education Critical for Success in Today’s Economy. National Governor’s Association Issue Brief Answers the Question: What Happened to Yesterday’s Vocational Education?

"Governors recognize that CTE programs can offer another avenue towards academic and career success," said John Thomasian, director of the NGA Center. "When paired with a rigorous academic platform, CTE programs make learning more relevant and engaging by better aligning with students’ interests and career skill needs."

For CEOs, uncertainty may be key to success. Companies fail to manage risk, analyst says

Facing up to uncertainty is a skill that’s in short supply in a business world that rewards conviction. But it’s becoming a core competency for companies planning a long and prosperous run.

Venture Investors’ early-stage fund grows to $115 million. Continues to focus on University Tech Transfer

John Neis, managing director of Venture Investors, said the fund would continue to focus on investments during the formative stages of technology and biotechnology companies that have spun out of leading research institutions in Wisconsin, Michigan, and the Midwest.

SBA and Trump University Launch Innovative Online Training Course for Entrepreneurs

The SBA and Trump University have combined the best that each
offers, bringing together a vast array of resources, information and
experts to guide students through the essentials of planning and
a business idea by bootstrapping, a common method used to minimize the
amount of outside debt and equity financing needed from banks and

State & Local Sourcebook

The Sourcebook is still the definitive resource for contact information on state and local decision makers, and still contains essential data in 10 categories.

Bridging Rural America’s Digital Divide. The Wiring of Rural America

We want high speed two-way interactive transmission because communication in the digital age should be from each to all. We are supposed to be moving away from the standards where big networks communicate down to the little people. The emphasis on downstream is all wrong. The small business or the family farmer in Canton, Ohio should be able to communicate just as effectively upstream as the big business in Cleveland, Ohio . . . and that means send and receive (upstream and downstream) capability.