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Wyoming governor candidates debate technology development

"Guess what our biggest concern is? Being able to fill those jobs with the right kind of people. We need workers in this state," Galeotos said. "We have a great technology industry in this state, and we need to expand it."

The Wyoming Business Council seeks broadband consultant for ENDOW

"This all kind of ties in to what the business council has been trying to do already," Dixon said. "The state Legislature agrees that broadband is critical when it comes to economic development; it’s something that companies need and it’s a quality of life issue."

Branding, barbed wire and blockchain in Wyoming

"Branding and barbed wire are the original provenance tracking system for agriculture," said Rob Jennings, an advisor to the Wyoming Blockchain Coalition. "This is high-tech meets heritage."

ENGAGE Council: Wyoming puts its money where its mouth is, brings future generations to the table

This is the first time Wyoming has given so much attention to the next generations’ issues, as articulated by the Wyoming people rising up as part of those next generations.

Wyoming nonprofit that benefits single mothers receives $1 million grant to share its strategy

The grant will allow Climb to take its method — providing training and help so single mothers can economically benefit — to Utah and Colorado

Wyoming ENDOW member suggests using free power to draw business

"It would be a magnet like no other around the world," he said. "It would really bring some exciting things to the state overnight."

Charter closes Cheyenne call center, lays off 60

As they filed in to work Tuesday, employees were told to go home with little explanation.

Artificial intelligence topic on Wyoming Energy Summit talk

As the internet of things grows more expansive — and smarter — opportunities abound for greater efficiency.

Wyoming tries to attract blockchain business

The state, dependent on fossil fuels, hopes to diversity its economy by attracting tech businesses.

Spotlight: IEDC’s National Economic Development Week Celebrations

The Wyoming Economic Development Association encouraged economic developers to grab orange "That’s WY" flags and plant them at local businesses and projects that have benefited from economic development efforts.