Workforce Development

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Bad grammar cause real physical stress, study finds

A new study has shown, for the first time, what many of us have long felt: that observing grammar mistakes can trigger negative physical reactions, including one that stems from the part of our sympathetic nervous system that initiates the fight or flight response.

Dual enrollment program at Helena College offers options for students

It’s never too early to start pursuing your career goals. Helena College’s dual-enrollment program allows high school students the opportunity to pursue the trades while simultaneously obtaining their high school degree.

Protected: Key Takeaways from the Final Day of the 2023 MEDA Fall Conference!

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As baby boomers retire, German businesses turn to robots

At machine parts producer S&D Blech, the head of the grinding unit is retiring. With Germany’s acute labour shortage leaving few candidates to take on the skilled but dirty and hazardous manual work, the company will replace him with a robot.

Montana Bioscience Cluster Initiative – October 2023 Newsletter

In case you haven’t had a chance to check out the lineup at the Scaling MT Summit, we will be featuring some of the all-star lineup of speakers over the next few days. Starting with Emily Leproust of Twist Bioscience:

How Local Government Can Recruit and Retain the Gen Z Workforce

They make up the smallest percentage of workers in state and local government. Despite being sought after, efforts to hire and retain them aren’t increasing those numbers.

LinkedIn exec reveals exactly how AI is changing hiring and recruiting

On the latest episode of The New Way We Work, LinkedIn’s Head of Opportunity Project shares what new AI roles have already been created, how AI is changing the job market, and the impact AI will have on everyone’s job.

Newest way to woo workers: Child care at airports, schools and poultry plants and….what is your company doing?

Businesses are increasingly taking on the national child-care crisis themselves

Cowboy Culture And The American Way

Americans celebrate the cowboy culture of rugged individualism. It’s what makes us exceptional but it is also our Achilles heel.

Montana turns into feudal estates

We understand what she meant by “Montana.” And during the pandemic, a lot of claustrophobic Americans thought likewise and transferred themselves to Big Sky Country. Too many for local tastes.