Workforce Development

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Montana community members invited to participate in Reimagining Rural program – 9/8 – 9/22 – 10/6 – Online

The Reimagining Rural virtual gathering includes three statewide sessions, which are broadcast via Zoom to groups gathered in-person in participating towns. Following each session’s speakers, local groups will have a facilitated conversation about how new ideas might work in their communities.

Bozeman based Zoot Enterprises innovates childcare option for employees and allows other companies to participate.

The business membership program at Zoot allows other businesses to use its childcare center and currently has 15 contracted businesses in Bozeman that use Zoot for workplace childcare.

These sites offer thousands of free online classes on just about everything

Take that college course you missed out on, get better at your job, or learn a new skill altogether with these free online learning resources.

Missoula’s Five Valleys Flying – Experimental Aircraft Association – Raffle Is Now Live

We’re also pleased to announce that we have kicked off our 2022 Fundraising Raffle! Proceeds help us to provide free airplane rides for local youth (Young Eagles), support our scholarship program for aspiring young pilots, and help us support the hangar space that we share with our local community!

Empathy Is The Most Important Leadership Skill According To Research

Great leadership requires a fine mix of all kinds of skills to create the conditions for engagement, happiness and performance, and empathy tops the list of what leaders must get right.

“You’re Naked Without It” – Safety campaign aims to reach young Montana workers with out-of-the-box humor

Young workers are more likely than any other age group to experience injury in the workplace. The Montana State Fund, the state’s largest provider of worker’s compensation insurance, is launching a new campaign to hopefully catch the attention of young workers and reduce injuries on the job.

2-day event to focus on technology and workforce needs in Ronan – 9/7-8

The Montana Chamber of Commerce is hosting a 2-day event focusing on technology and workforce needs, and essential 21st century skills in Ronan.

Zoom towns transforming small rural towns

As remote jobs took hold during the COVID-19 pandemic, a flux of remote workers left big cities for rural towns creating so-called Zoom towns.

10 reasons why Finland’s education system is the best in the world

Every investment in a country’s education is an investment in its future. This is the most important investment. An educated nation is the engine of both economy, health and justice…

Are in-migrating Montanans making their relocation decisions based on political identity?

The answer?