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Meet R.J. Scaringe, Founder Of Rivian Automotive—And Tesla’s Worst Nightmare

After nearly ten years of developing EV technology, the company unveiled its first two battery-powered autos: the R1S, a seven-seat sport utility vehicle, and the R1T pickup truck.

Top 10 Industries Transformed By Self-Driving Cars – The End of Carcatecture

The transportation industry is facing a disruption not seen since the introduction of the Ford Model T.

Philadelphia Adopts Smart City Road Map

The document gives the city a foundation for evaluating how technology can improve the lives of residents, serve economic development efforts or other civic purposes.

Transportation Data: Who Gets to Use It?

Transportation data, and urban data more broadly, are becoming understood as a flow that can be quantified, processed and analyzed to improve the overall system.

Your hunt for a home should include research on the neighborhood’s long-term transit plan

Most transit projects can take years or decades to plan and complete, but property values can soar or plummet at the mere mention of them.

Oil companies and utilities are buying up all the electric car charging startups

McKinsey counts more than 350 new electric vehicle (EV) models debuting by 2025, one of the conditions for mass-market adoption.

Driverless cars on UK roads by end of the year

Ministers plan full trials with no human control

Why your downtown apartment might no longer come with a parking spot

Downtown leaders have signaled a desire to soon implement parking standards for residential projects that could radically reduce the number of spaces included with future developments.

One Line of Your Zoning Code Can Make a World of Difference – Parking Requirements

The City was able to see the millions invested downtown as a result of that bold action taken in 2009.

5 reasons why autonomous cars aren’t coming anytime soon

Here are the problems that researchers must overcome to start giving rides without humans behind the wheel: