Regional Economic Development

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Enhancing Competitiveness: A Review of Recent State Economic Development Initiatives

Most of the major new economic development initiatives enacted by states from September 2003
through September 2004 focused on enhancing state and regional “clusters of innovation” — fastgrowing
groups of businesses that share markets, labor, new ideas, and products.

Outsourcing Hi-Tech Jobs to Rural America

"In a global marketplace, those commodities operate with ever thinner margins," says Mark Drabenstott of the Center for the Study of Rural America. "So the real challenge for most rural areas is (getting) from a commodity economy to a knowledge-driven economy."

Spokane aims to put itself on map

"How do we attract businesses that do exporting, that bring other people’s money back to Spokane?"

Three cities in Washington compete for possible Airbus plant

The state’s Office of Community Trade and Economic Development is coordinating efforts by the three cities that prequalified, Sanders said.

Legislature: Amended Utah Venture Capital Act likely to pass – to create a privately funded, state-backed $100 million "fund of funds"

The bill provided that if investments in the fund missed an established rate of return – and if the fund’s own reserve account proved insufficient to provide the difference – investors could take a credit against their Utah taxes.

10 Best Stategies to Create a Truly Entrepreneurial Environment in South Dakota

6) Look outside our borders for answers in order to utilize the absolute best practices for technology based economic development.

The Innovator – The Inland Northwest Technology Education Center (INTEC) Newsletter February 2005

The Inland Northwest is a geographic region that comprises elements of four states, two Canadian provinces and over one million people. It has significant higher education assets, including two research universities, multiple private institutions, a regional university and a number of excellent community colleges. The region is also home to a federal laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, which conducts over $500,000,000 in sponsored research each year.

Weighing in on Water – Will there be enough?

Johnson has a heart for doing things right at the ground level. He sees a similar pattern developing in growing North Idaho that he witnessed for 40 years in California.

"I’m not any smarter than the next guy, but I may have more experience," he said.

Growth has its way of eroding taxpayers if it’s not managed properly, Johnson said.

Economic adviser to Utah Gov. Huntsman is all business – As Huntsman’s economic chief, Roybal ready to make tough changes

"We’re building a new strategy, eliminating a culture that did not get the job done."

Real Estate to the Rescue for Ski Resorts

The evolution of the North American ski resort has shifted away from more chairlifts and ski slopes. Resort companies looking for a solution to flat skier numbers are increasingly relying on real estate sales to bolster the bottom line.