Regional Economic Development

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Detroit’s Bizdom U course builds entrepreneurs

"Entrepreneurs — not government programs — create businesses, jobs and growth for a city."

Energy Efficiency and Conservation block grants funds available to states and cities

Over $2.7 billion in formula grants are now available to U.S. states, territories, local governments and Indian tribes under the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program .

Canada’s Cities Need More Creativity, Says Richard Florida

Cities and regions increasingly need to invest in, and build up, their real capital – the kind that comes from the energy and talent of their people.

What’s ‘broadband’? Billions in stimulus funds (especially in rural states) are at stake. Dream Big, Feds, Very Big!

"If we do it right, we can connect a critical segment of the U.S. population to the knowledge economy," he says, referring to the 40 million-plus consumers living in rural and low-income areas who don’t have broadband. "If we do it wrong, we’ll wind up giving money to companies that don’t need it and won’t use it efficiently."

Inland NW Mentoring connects experience with the thirst for guidance.

Inland NW Mentoring promotes awareness and development of mentoring programs and organizations in the Inland Northwest.

High Road or Low Road? Job Quality in the New Green Economy

One of the greatest risks is that, in our haste
to create a large quantity of new green jobs, we pay too little attention to their quality.

Group to study new travel network around Yellowstone National Park

"This could be a very interesting national experiment," said Jan Brown, executive director of the partnership. "We could be proving out something that will work in rural areas across the nation."

Tribes Build Portal to Tap Stimulus Funds

A new online resource explains how the stimulus funds will be dispersed to Indian County: which projects are eligible and how tribal governments can apply.

Recovery effort should focus on entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurism and innovation are the business qualities that are going to help the country emerge from the current economic crisis.

Municipal Broadband Efforts Succeed Despite Wi-Fi Meltdown

Broadband Internet connectivity helps cities diversify economies and boost efficiency.