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The Man Who Bought North Dakota

"It’s a great day in North Dakota," he says. "We’ll find it."

North Dakota Tourism Director: Ad Wasn’t Meant To Be Racy

"It wasn’t my favorite ad. I thought, ‘Oh, this is a little cheesy.’ I certainly didn’t think it was over the line, or seductive, or in any way in poor taste," Coleman said. "It really just takes one or two (negative comments), and then people jump on the bandwagon."

North Dakota Officials Unveil New Tourism Campaign – "Arrive a guest. Leave a Legend"

State tourism officials, along with Gov. Jack Dalrymple, have unveiled the state’s new marketing campaign for the year: Arrive a guest. Leave a Legend.

North Dakota oil boom fuels real estate sales in Arizona

"It boils down to the weather and taking advantage of the market."

A Great Divide Over Oil Riches in North Dakota

No other county in the state has had a bigger jump in the number of households earning more than $100,000, which spiked to 21 percent from 6 percent during the last decade, according to an analysis of census data. But much like the crude below, the benefits have spread unevenly, often as a result of decisions made long ago.

The Bank of North Dakota eyed by cash-hungry politicians

How does the country’s only state-owned bank work?

North Dakota SBA Business News

While a home-based business can eliminate many distatesful aspects of working for someone else, it does come with unique perils and problem areas.

Forget Florida My Dear, This Year We Shall Winter in The Bakkens

I smell opportunity, don’t you?

Oil Boom Puts Strain On North Dakota Towns

Imagine you live in a small rural town worried for years about depopulation, and suddenly, overnight, the population doubles, and the newcomers are thousands of young men without families. Imagine that you live in a tiny town with one main street that doubles as a state highway.

Website helps calculate tuition for North Dakota universities

The online tool was created because of a law approved last session by the North Dakota Legislature to improve the clarity of the cost of higher education.