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TechLink helps the Department of Defense to commercialize leading-edge new technology by partnering DoD labs with private sector companies for technology licensing, transfer, and research and development

Closing Remarks at the 2005 Wheeler Business Roundtable, "Recreation and Real Estate: The New Realities of Development," Dr. Gordon Brittan

I think, in fact, that the notion of "limits" to growth will be back with us in the near future, no where more than in connection with the energy required to reach and support distant and scattered settlements, but for now at least our problems have to do with shaping and not with curtailing it.

75 Reasons to Be Glad You’re an American Entrepreneur Right Now

Number 10

The Kauffman Foundation (

Software design firm, PacifiCAD expanding, moving to Helena

“Another part of why we picked Helena is that we do a lot with geographical information system contracts for city and county governments, and with Helena being the capital, a lot of that is based here, and that’s one area where we see great potential.”

Observations from the 8th Annual Farmer Cooperative Conference in Minneapolis by Craig Erickson of Bear Paw Development

The market in which you prepared to compete no longer exists! Now what?

What’s happening at MATR and MJN?

Here are some of the facts and features about the sites.

Mike’s Lunch Box: Great Harvest Bread Co. (Missoula, Montana Branch) Featured on CNBC

A great Montana Company

Rehberg Hails $8 Million in Science, Justice and Commerce Projects for Montana

A grant of $600,000 will go to the Montana Technology and Innovation Partnership, which includes Montana State University-Billings, Big Sky Economic Development Authority, Center for Applied Economic Research, Beartooth Resource Conservation and Development and the Montana Business Incubator.

She’s banking on an angel – Keating Heinemann, secretary of the Wisconsin State Department of Financial Institutions brings Angels together

"We would talk to some angel investors that had a large amount of deals and not enough capacity to fund all the deals, and we talked to other angel networks who were up and running for years and never really found any deals they wanted to invest in," she said.

So far, the network has brought together member groups representing more than 200 angel investors and created a confidential Web site, which came on line in June, where entrepreneurs have posted several dozen summaries of businesses seeking investment.

Montana Association of Counties (MACo) November Newsletter

Montana Association of Counties (MACo) enhances the public service mission of counties by promoting integrity and providing proactive leadership while acknowledging and respecting Montana’s diversity. Full Newsletter:

An eBay Founder’s Bid To Aid Small Enterprises

"It’s a fundamentally different way of looking at how to make a social impact," says Mr. Omidyar, 38 years old. "It’s using business as a tool to make that happen."