Montana Technology Innovation Partnership

News Catrgory Sponspor:

Montana Technology Innovation Partnership (MTIP)- Promoting Technology Commercialization in the State of Montana.

SBIR National Conference, 5/15-17, Washington, D.C.

As a Supporting Partner, MTIP is pleased to offer a 10% off discounted rate to attend the SBIR/STTR Conference May 15-17.

Current SBIR/STTR Solicitations Brought to You by MTIP

Contact MTIP today for no-cost assistance with your SBIR/STTR proposal!

MTIP Innovator Training, 11/2-3, Lame Deer

This event is geared toward innovators, small businesses, and university researchers, but anyone is welcome to attend.

Montana Technology Innovation Partnership: Innovator Training November 2-3, 2016

Come together with other inventors, innovators, and researchers in your community to learn key concepts all idea people need to know.

Where’s the Money? Getting Funding from the SBA

Check out this brief video that features Mark Walsh, head of investment and innovation at the SBA, and Nina Tandon, the co-founder and CEO of Epibone discuss the SBIR/STTR Program.

Just In Time, Department Of Energy (DOE) SBIR/STTR Webinar, 11/1, Online

Just in time for the October 31 Phase I release, this one hour long webinar will cover a general overview of the DOE SBIR/STTR Program and feature a Phase I/Phase II recipient of DOE SBIR funds.

Montana Technology Innovation Parntership: Innovator Training, 8/31, Havre, MT

Intellectual Property, Funding Your Innovation, and Going to Market

National Science Foundation (NSF) Informational Webinar, 5/16

In less than two weeks, tune in to this free informational webinar to learn about the NSF SBIR/STTR Program directly from the Program Director, just in time for the current solicitation (closing June 16, 2016).

NSF SBIR/STTR Program, 5/16, Webinar

National Science Foundation (NSF) Informational Webinar
Tune in to this free informational webinar to learn about the NSF SBIR/STTR Program directly from the Program Director, just in time for the current solicitation (closing June 16, 2016).

National SBIR/STTR Conference, 5/23-25, Washington D.C.

At this conference you’ll learn how to participate and compete for funding in these two programs that encourage small businesses to engage in Federal Research/Research and Development (R/R&D) and to commercialize your technological innovations.