Montana Education Excellence

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Montana Student Assistance Foundation’s Smart About College Fall Newsletter

Free practice ACT and SAT
tests. Scholarship information.
College descriptions.

University of Montana gets $3MM grant to aid reservation teachers

Improving K-12 education in the state’s smallest and poorest schools also rests in the hands of passionate, qualified teachers who want to live and work in rural Montana.

New Montana State University television commercial by Chisel Industries to debut Oct. 6. "Moments of Discovery"

The TV commercials, created by alumni-owned and Bozeman-based Chisel Industries, focus on integrating hands-on, active learning and the discovery of knowledge.

The Montana Student Assistance Foundation (SAF) Offers Student Groups Opportunity to Raise Funds

“This is an excellent opportunity for student groups to raise funds while increasing awareness of an important, state-wide program — College Goal Sunday,” said Kris MacIntyre, development officer for SAF. “Last year, student groups raised about $4,000 for their efforts.”

University Education Officials Hold Forums at FVCC

State education officials took questions today about why, while Montana’s universities are enjoying a two-year tuition cap, community colleges are not receiving the same perk.

Community Conversation About The Future Of The Montana University System, 10/11-12, Missoula And Hamilton, MT

President George M. Dennison and The University of Montana invite you to join Regent Clayton Christian and Commissioner of Higher Education Sheila Stearns for a Community Conversation about the future of the Montana University System and Higher Education in Montana.

Montana State University Career Fair is largest in school history

"There will be great opportunities to create a launching pad (including internships) for all students."

Montana Student Assistance Foundation (SAF) Seeking Applicants for Circle of Succe$$ Grants

“At Student Assistance Foundation, we believe in Montana students and are committed to helping them achieve their education goals.”

Growing strong: Salish Kootenai College is one of the most successful tribal colleges in the United States

The goal is to put more Native Americans in reservation classrooms as teachers, and to put more teachers in reservation classrooms that have taken classes in Native American history, culture and language as well as science, math and English.

Montana State University Dean of Business Rich Semenik is interviewed by Fortune Magazine.

MSU Seniors place in the 90th percentile nationwide.