Montana Education Excellence

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Public Invited To Annual State Of The University Of Montana Address, 8/27, Missoula, Montana

A live video stream of the State of the University address will be available on the UM Home Page at .

Montana State University earns accolades for taking research to the bank

Montana ends up near the bottom of too many economic and social science rankings. We here in southwest Montana, however, have shown our ability to prosper. And that’s true in no small part thanks to the success of MSU research.

The University of Montana College Of Technology Launches Two New Programs

The carpentry program will accept 20 students for an Associate of Applied Science degree program. The welding technology program will accept 20 students for a similar degree program.

The University of Montana Makes Princeton Review’s List Of Best Colleges

“Life at UM combines a love for the Grizzlies with the outdoors. Academics at UM are facilitated by great instructors [who do] anything and everything for their students.”

Missoula County Public Schools Board of Trustees: Fuzzy logic behind Superintendent Apostle’s 19.9% raise

We’d like to think that if the trustees had realized the outrage engendered by the announcement, they’d have done some math of their own and calculated that those sort of numbers, when stacked against public perception and in these economic times, just don’t add up.

Montana Middle Schools Encouraged to Apply for ‘Service Project’ Grant Funds

"It’s important to spark an interest in math and science when students are young. They are the problem solvers and leaders of our future," said First Lady Nancy Schweitzer.

Montana ranks poorly in high school dropouts

Montana ranks among the bottom 10 states with teenagers ages 16 to 19 who have dropped out of high school before graduating, the Annie E. Casey Foundations Kids Count reported Monday.

Montana University System Holding Math, Science Education Meeting, 8/2, Helena, Montana

Scheduled speakers include Gov. Brian Schweitzer, Montana State University President Waded Cruzado, University of Montana President George Dennison and Carroll College Dean Paula McNutt. Schweitzer says one goal of the meeting is to brainstorm ways to enhance math and science education in Montana.

The Fifth Annual Student Assistance Foundation Golf Scramble, 8/12, Helena, Montana

One hundred percent of the proceeds from this event
will be used to support Montana students in their
pursuit of higher education.

Montana schools spent millions lobbying

Montana’s public universities paid lobbyists more than $4.3 million over the past decade in efforts to win millions more in federal aid, a practice they and other universities defend as necessary but which, critics charge, is contrary to their core mission.