MEDA -Montana Economic Developers Association

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Welcome to MEDA: Leadership Dedicated to Building Montana's Economy

Montana turns into feudal estates

We understand what she meant by “Montana.” And during the pandemic, a lot of claustrophobic Americans thought likewise and transferred themselves to Big Sky Country. Too many for local tastes.

Missoula, Bozeman to spearhead new Montana ‘Tech Hub’

Montana Senator Jon Tester led a panel discussion in Missoula earlier this year where participants began planning their approach to compete for one of the 30 new Tech Hubs. The effort panned out and Montana was selected from a field of 200 applicants.

What happened to the internet without net neutrality?

Today on the show, what happened in the years without it and what happens next.

Montana Dept. of Commerce allocates millions in housing tax credits

Developers submitted housing tax credit applications for eight projects and requested almost $50 million to build or rehabilitate homes

‘Bidenomics’: Feds Seek to Promote Commercial Conversions Into Affordable Transit-Friendly Housing

The federal government is going back to the future to help solve three problems: vacant office space, global warming and high housing costs.

President Biden asks Congress for $16 billion to stabilize child care

“The $16 billion request is intended to stabilize funding for more than 225,000 child-care providers across the country, with state-level grants ranging from $15 million in Wyoming to $1.8 billion in Texas…

NADO (National Association of Development Organizations) News

Our Annual Training Conference in Cleveland, OH is less than two weeks away. Stay up-to-date with the latest information about the conference by visiting and downloading the Whova app. We look forward to seeing you in Cleveland!

Measuring Equity in Federal Infrastructure Spending

A new report from the Urban Institute tracks how a year of infrastructure and housing grants align with federal priorities for equitable spending.

How One Rural Indiana County Became a Re-Education Catalyst

Leaders in Lawrence County, Indiana come up with unique ways to close education gaps and labor shortages in their rural community.

Protected: Day one of the MEDA conference has come to a close, a huge thank you to all of the speakers who made their way through the snow to be here with us! .

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