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The mission of the State Information Technology Services Division is to provide standardized, strategic, secure, and state-of-the art information technology to advance the efficiency and delivery of government services to citizens.

Arizona Government Technology Efficiency Effort Will Expand

Initial efforts to save money by making state agencies more efficient have yielded $3.6 million in immediate savings opportunities for the state of Arizona. The Efficiency Review Initiative team released an interim report that examines…

California State Controller says High Tech Agenda is imperative for Economic Success

"We will be driving technology through this budget crisis," he said in a luncheon keynote. "We have systems out of date across the board, legacy systems not talking to each other. Again, I wish more legislators actually knew what a legacy system is. That just doesn’t make sense with technology," he said. The controller said he will advocate for legislation in this arena. "It is not only important," he stated, "it is strategically an imperative and has to be a priority."

Business savvy CIO to lead New Hampshire IT

"Really, it takes people like the governor from Virginia and Massachusetts and here, coming from business, with business savvy," Anderson said. "Having Gov. Benson understand this makes my job a lot easier. If I had to convince a governor it would be a very different thing."

Five Government Programs Win Innovations Awards

"Three state-government programs, one city program and one federal program are winners of the 16th annual Innovations in American Government Awards, receiving $100,000 grants to support replication activities."

New Report Cites the Best IT Projects in City Government

"The 11 city IT projects were selected from the survey responses based on pre-established criteria that included innovation, enterprise-wide or multi-jurisdictional applications and collaboration."

Something for Nothing? Tight finances prompt Government agencies to take a hard look at open source software.

"Oregon could save millions of dollars while increasing the flexibility, usefulness and reliability of its computer systems." Barnhart said.

Changing Gears-As budget gaps continue to expand, technology can generate cost savings and improve Government service delivery.

The vice grip on budgets remains tighter than ever as state and local governments head toward the end of the fiscal year in June. As leaders talk about tough choices and the need to control…

Vermont Adopts New Technology Outlook to develop a 21st Century Economy

"Government could use a little private sector sensibility, and this review will help accomplish that," said Douglas.

German city wants freedom of Linux

SCHWAEBISCH HALL, Germany — At first glance, there’s not much cutting-edge about Schwaebisch Hall, a provincial German town of crooked medieval streets whose biggest employer is a savings bank. By David McHugh AP business writer…

Missouri Lawmaker Creates Virtual Office

In state Rep. Rob Schaaf’s office in the stately old Missouri Capitol, there’s no secretary and no filing cabinet. Business cards and meeting notices are promptly scanned into a computer. Visitors sit in front of…