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The mission of the State Information Technology Services Division is to provide standardized, strategic, secure, and state-of-the art information technology to advance the efficiency and delivery of government services to citizens.

State’s computers crash again in Montana

The effects of the outage were "almost identical to the last time around" during a widespread outage in May, according to Gayle Shirley, spokeswoman for the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services in Helena.

Montana re-ups NIC for portal services

The Helena, Mont.-based company was hired by the state in 2001 to create and manage e-government services on its Web site. The new contract is worth about $5 million, said Chris Neff, an NIC spokesman.

Computer outage strikes state government throughout Montana . Restored on Tuesday

"It’s affecting all IT services from the state," she said. "Anything that requires access to a state provided system is not available."

Bozeman’s Mayor Delivers His "State Of The City" Address. Krauss: "Cities Exist For Two Reasons: To Facilitate Commerce And Create Wealth"

What’s the state of our city? We are a great place to live because people can earn a living, create a successful business, care for their families, and with hard work and careful savings pursue any American dream. We have a great hospital, a fine university, and we’ve got lots of leisure and cultural activities. We’ve got a great small city.

Online XML Toolkit for Government Agencies

"The Toolkit is for any government agency that is considering XML as a tool for Web site management,"

Portland Mayor Begins a Blog. Is your elected official blogging? Here’s a list

The new features allow the Mayor to communicate his thoughts directly to the community on the news of the day and events happening around the City, and for the community to contact him.

Governors mobilize fusion centers for better security

Fusion centers are places where personnel and IT networks from state, local and federal agencies are combined into a single facility to develop joint intelligence.

Bozeman, MT launches new website

Blunt-Davis bill would create federal grants database

Aiming to bring more transparency to the federal grant-making process, two top lawmakers have introduced legislation that would create a public database to track government-issued grants.

North Dakota Has New CIO – Lisa Feldner

"We have laid a strong foundation with STAGEnet, which links schools and state government in an integrated voice, data, video network, and now Lisa will bring to the job the skills necessary to take the state to the next level of development."