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The mission of the State Information Technology Services Division is to provide standardized, strategic, secure, and state-of-the art information technology to advance the efficiency and delivery of government services to citizens.

Program Alerts Hollywood, Fla. Residents to Spikes in Water Use

A new program lets Hollywood residents sign up for free, automatic emails when there is a spike in their relative water usage, or usage over a four-day span, when compared to the last 30 days.

Why Are Governments Stuck in the Stone Age?

The solution to Lerner’s email problems is simple and straightforward: build effective policies around today’s technology — not yesterday’s.

Montana releases strategic plan for outdoor recreation

"As Montanans, parks and outdoor recreation are our way of life," said Gov. Steve Bullock in a news release. "Montana is home to magnificent landscapes and abundant opportunities to get outside. I am pleased to present this bold effort to ensure these opportunities continue to exist and expand."

Florida: Using Big Data to Help Little People

The state’s Department of Children and Families has identified what the highest-risk children look like on paper, and is using their profiles to best determine how to ensure their health and safety.

3 Ways Cities Can Grow Open Data Projects

"When you’re able to use data in the public realm it’s much more valuable internally."

Eco-Analytics Dashboard Helps San Francisco Measure Neighborhood Sustainability

"The final vision for this work is that we will have an interactive interface for internal stakeholders to evaluate future projects and plans," Chen said. "And then ideally, in the future, there would also be a simplified public facing interface."

How Technology Can Stretch Infrastructure Dollars

A bridge-monitoring system used in South Carolina and other states is helping to hold down the costs of maintenance.

Bay Area governments buy nearly 100 electric vehicles with MTC grant

A group of San Francisco Bay Area cities, counties and water agencies has joined forces for what is being billed as one of the largest single government purchases of all-electric vehicles in the country.

The six cities, two counties and two water agencies have gone in together to buy 90 electric vehicles with the help of a $2.8 million grant from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, a regional transportation agency, officials with the Bay Area Climate Collaborative said on Tuesday. Some of the vehicles will be on display at a news conference on Tuesday.

The vehicles will save more than $500,000 in fuel costs and about 2 million pounds of carbon dioxide emissions over five years, Bay Area Climate Collaborative Executive Director Rafael Reyes said.

Governor Bullock Announce $400,000 Grant for Parks, and Outdoor Recreation

"Montanans know the value of our public lands, rivers and streams–it’s where our memories of hiking, fishing, or floating are created," Bullock said. "We’re working to make sure the next generation of Montanans has the same opportunities to explore the wild places that we did growing up here."

Montana: Xerox in breach of Medicaid software contract

Terminating the contract and going after damages is not the state’s goal, according to Ron Baldwin, the state’s chief information officer.