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The mission of the State Information Technology Services Division is to provide standardized, strategic, secure, and state-of-the art information technology to advance the efficiency and delivery of government services to citizens.

Governments Could Pay High Price for Lagging on Tech

"Nowhere is the opportunity for impact in this phase of the [technological] revolution greater than in government. Because we’re facing such a tremendous vacuum and because government is so far behind in the technology revolution, this vacuum creates the potential for forces from all sides to engage for good or ill," he said.

Montana’s Governor Bullock on Social Security: It Is a Promise I Will Fight to Keep

It is not only a responsible economic policy, it is also a promise to the men and women who helped build our state and nation–a promise that if you work hard and play by the rules, you will have certainty rather than struggle in your senior years.

Congress is trying to make it harder to know how the economy is doing

Cutting funding for the Bureau of Labor Statistics would be penny wise and pound foolish.

Montana Legislative Fiscal Division -Chart of the Week! General Fund Expenditures by Major Governmental Function, FY 2015

We are committed to enhancing the legislative process through understandable and objective fiscal policy analysis and information.

Better City-Making Means Breaking Down Silos–Here’s How

Many municipal leaders, seeking to fix the problem and create a shared definition of success, like to quote the famous NASA metaphor (full disclosure–I’ve used it many times): the story of the NASA janitor being asked by President Kennedy what their job was, and the janitor giving the answer "I’m helping to put a man on the moon."

Cities Missing Opportunities to Retrofit Existing Buildings

Mayors intent of transforming their municipalities into smart cities might want to hold off on the sensors and computerized nerve centers.

Are Governments ‘Paying for Failure’ With Social Impact Bonds?

"I don’t get this at all," said Maine independent Sen. Angus King, squinting with disbelief. "I think this is an admission that government isn’t doing what it’s supposed to do. This strikes me as a fancy way of contracting out."

Bloomberg Philanthropies Announces First ‘What Works Cities’ Participants

"Making better use of data is one of the best opportunities cities have to solve problems and deliver better results for their citizens," said Michael Bloomberg in a press release.

The Next Big Thing in Data Analytics

It’s at the "heart of the new focus on data analytics," says Harry Hatry, director of the public management program at the Urban Institute, who has been an advocate of using disaggregated data for decades.

How Analytics Helps Minneapolis Make Smarter Daily Decisions

Collectively that information provides a window into the city’s past, present and future, and it can be used to make smarter choices for solving problems and allocating resources, Doll says. "It allows us to really get a good handle on the state of the city at any given moment."